Hi Rowan,
You're absolutely right - modeling should be a joy, there should be no personal disagreements. Unfortunately, Ljubomir Ilic is not fair to all of us modelers. This same "comparative review" presented here was signed by Nenad Miklušev elswhere, by the same man who made the drawings on which this review is done!
http://mkns.ipmssrbija.com/?p=570 Simply put: the models AzurFrrom and AZ appeared on the market, then he ("Ljuba Ilic") drew the plans for the French magazine presented here, and then he (the same person) made a "comparative review" on the basis of his own drawings! With an obvious tendency to pronounce the winner - AzurFrrom.
Unfortunately, such "advertising" leads to misleading the public. One example is a master modeler who presented his AzurFrrom model in the Wingmasters journal:
http://wingmasters.histoireetcollections.com/images/articles/article_28255_1324484353.jpg He invested much effort, but unfortunately no one has informed him that the Ik-3 propeller rotates in the opposite direction than the Azur Fromm's one, no one informed him about the AzurFrrom's missing cooler under the engine, etc.
"Reviewer" Ljuba Ilic is not fair here. To help "his" model (AzurFrrom) to win, he doesn't write about the obvious errors of this model. With that, he mislead many modelers who read this. It would be nice if such "comparative review" would be no more.