This could be understandable, there are no relevant documentation, photos or data, no real interest in rare plane subjects and such a peculiar story of small country, invaded by German/Italian/Hungarian and Bulgarian forces on april 6th 1941. and short war history and dogfights which lasted just 11 days.
Counting all the kits produced, from Formaplane vacuform kit, through resin CMK , CMR (2 different ssues), Aeropoxy (3 different issues), L&M, and short run AvUSK / Xotic to quite nice AZ-Models and finaly AZUR-FRROM injection moulded kits.
Well, 8 different producers, 11 different kits, which one to chose, which one to build.
I will stay with plastic kits, not want to cope with vacuform and resin this time.
Well , lack of relevant data does not allows me till today to start with comparative preview ( and hopefully, later, build review) of Rogozarski IK-3 injection moulded-plastic kits .
Currently, three kits are available on the market, AvUsk/Xotic , AZ-Models and AZUR-Frrom.
I bought one of each and few weeks ago, bought also latest issue of AIRMAGAZINE, No 50, where IK-3 is presented to last bolt, on 27 pages A4 (including 5 pages of 1/72 scale drawings and 5 pages of colour profiles)plus 3 pages of AZUR Frrom build review.
I hope this article will give me more data for kit details and accuracy review.

So, kits are on the workbench, documentation too, lets start rivet counting.