So very true, I’ve been anticipating the arrival of this kit since ordered, my hunger only exacerbated by the snippets and posts by others who have received one of WNW’s newer releases. Now the following is of course how I and only I perceive things. Once I get the clippers out I have a feeling my impressions won’t change.
I have to say upon getting my hands upon the sprues at last that I am VERY impressed. Beautiful moulding, virtually no flash, minuscule mould lines and a level of detail to die for. I hadn’t realised the Roland D.VI was so dinky though. It’s quirky look drew my eye when the choice between it and the Pfalz D.IIIa had to be made.
So briefly my first opinion viewed as *in box*
The usual WNW grey, the usual WNW quality, the level of detail higher than ever. Even down to hoseclips on the coolant pipework, such tiny things so often missed and will enhance an OOB build so much. Seams on Ammo chutes, extra detail on brackets the spokes and valves in the wheels and much more all show the level of attention paid by WNW to give us the best balanced product they can.
Other things that are good to see and hopefully have indicated WNW have listened learned and used our comments are the 2 part exhaust for instance so the exit is open without the extra work and chance of mishap.
Of course for us AMS sufferers and rivet counters there’s many ways of improving the kit but truthfully there would seem looking at it without getting the clippers out little reason to do so. WNW really have hit the spot with this I think, of course there is areas I am going to detail more, linkages, a few extra details here and there but some I had thought about looking at pictures I think may be a waste of time now I have the plastic in my hands. *For me to say this shows how impressed I am*
A miniscule fret of etch as is WNW’s way. Simple seatbelts, nicely done, of course theres some lovely AM stuff around but these are good and differ slightly from standard belts. Now the Maxim barrel jackets look incredibly delicate, probably the holiest jackets I’ve seen and wonder if my hamfistedness will destroy them on rolling. *note to self* Do it right this time*
Personally I would have liked to see a few PE options even if not necessary *Maxim breech mounts for one* Not that this detracts from the kit at all.
Three sheets of wonderfully registered and printed Cartograph done to their exacting standards. No corners cut here everything printed in ful colour and metallic too where required. Instruments, logo’s, and all reproduced so perfectly. Hopefully there won’t be any size issues as I found with two of my earlier WNW kits as it all looks exquisite as you peel back the protective paper and try not to drool on the sheets.
Now, the lozenge decals. I see a much better representation *I’m not getting into the colour and hue discussions at all* But, on the 5 colour lozenge I got with my LVG there was a definite *dots per inch* print dot pattern which detracted from the quality of the product. Now this lozenge is grainy true but the grain implies texture as opposed to DPI type dots which the earlier lozenge did. I like to believe WNW have listened to comments and acted on them as I said earlier. This really is a far nicer representation than the LVG’s.
So all in all, trying to look at this as a kit to be built OOB I would score it a huge 9.9 out of 10 at first inspection, once I build her I honestly can’t see it changing much.
The big question is though............................... Can Kornbeef resist starting before finishing the Sopwith Tripe?
Answers please on a postcard to PO Box 1, Highly Unlikely Towers, Kent, England.
:D It really is that good

Cheers Keith