Alright Brian, it’s always nice to see another Airacobra. If my mind is still intact, that’s Leslie Spoontz’s mount. That sure brings back a few memories. In fact those were the markings that my first Monogram P-39 whore some 25 years ago when having a little contest with my older brother. Though I used the wolf head not the “31”.
I love this kit I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. As for the missing radio, I don’t think that is a problem. The radio compartment is located just forward of the tail with the access on the port side. Looking at period photos most of the aircraft do not carry a radio on the motor behind the armored glass. I would suppose the few that I have seen were a second radio to monitor more than one freq at the same time. So in that respect having it there would be dependant on the aircraft you are modeling. With or without the radio is correct, just not I piece of blue painters tape.
As for the markings that I chose for this P-39 I don’t think it was in North Africa. According to the In Action book, and the kit instructions, it is the 51st FG in Tunisia. This I believe is wrong. The 51st FG did not have P-39s to my knowledge and they were not in Africa. They were in Burma and China in 1943. So if this P-39 was not in the 51st FG where was it from?
I think it is from the 30th FS in Chorrera Panama. I looked the serial number up online and found on an accident report site that a P-39D, 41-7031, piloted by Ray A. Robinson Jr. of the 30th FS was involved in a take off accident on 5 Jan 1943 in Chorrera Panama.
A lackluster duty station, yet an important one just the same. After all it would be in defense of the Panama Canal. I also liked the idea of giving credit to the guys that served yet didn't see action. Their job was important too.
Dave Shaw