My name is Jullian and i am new here.
I vew a lot of Topic in the aeroscale Forum and always fall in admiration with the work i see here and now i jump to the forum for a long time i hope.
I usually make WW1 aircraft models but i am a big fan of the P-40,recently. i buy the Hasegawa's 1/32 type M
I plan to make a 80th FG Burma Banshees paint sheme
My question is do the White 44 of 1lt Philip S Adair named "Lulu Belle" is realy a N1 version see Photo in this link :
I think this is a M version but i am not sure i can see three machineguns in the wing six in total the N1 version have two, four in total no?
If someone could clarify that big cloud to my i will grateful
When i start the model i will share some pictures in a new Topic
Many thanks!
And sorry my english is very simple and crude.
Best regards
Sorry for the title i can not edit Its: P-40M or N1