I an excited to say I will be starting a diorama of the following scene in 1/48 which I plan on doing an in progress build on Aeroscale.
![](../../../farm3.static.flickr.com/2092/2201130328_ba88cb2a16_o.jpg )
I was hoping with the great knowledge base on Aeroscale I could get some input:
1. What is the most accurate Spitfire Mk.IXc in 1/48?
I am doing a detailed build of this plane and have the Aires resin detail set for the Hasegawa kit, but I know in the past there was issues with the length of the fuselage. I was not sure if Airfix has release a newer version of this plane and if it would take the detail aftermarket. I also have the ICM and occidental kiting of this plane, just not sure which is the best.
2. Does anyone have scale drawings of how the wing would connect to the fuselage?
3. I have acquired almost all of the vehicles and most of the figures. If anyone is able to help with figures that I can augment to pose in these positions please let me now.
4. Need scale drawings of a rig /trailer assembly since I will need to scratch build the trailer and modify the truck into a rig.
What I have found out about this specific scene is as followed:
Photos are from the John Bradley Collection and more shots of the scene can be seen here:
I am interested in more information regarding the Spitfire mk. IXc serial no. mh779 kh-t of the 403 Squadron. There are photographs of it being recovered on 11 August 1944. The aircraft damaged on ops on 14 July 1944.
I am also looking for any additional information on the aircraft and/or pilot of this specific plane at the time of the accident. If anyone knows of any additional photos or can point me in the right directions I would be appreciative.
An interesting note is there appears to be invasion stripes only on one side of the aircraft. This is noticed in the two photos of the recovery found in the above link.
The following kits will be used in this build:
Accurate-Armor AEC 6x6 Coles EMA Mk-VII Crane
Accurate-Armor AEC MATADOR RAF Flat Bed
Wespe Bedford to be converted into a rig and the cover back end to be donated to the Matadore
Aires Full detail resin set
Thank you in advance,
Scott Bricker