Coming along pretty nice, i would say.
To separate the panels from each other i would suggest to mask off some panels and reduce the effect separately for more variation. But thats a matter of taste. Its great! Curious to see the oil colors on it.
The following was added by Alex on Oct. 7, 2011 in another thread, so I am bringing it along here too. JackFlashHi gentlemen,
I have some news to share.
Uschi van der Rosten has teamed up with Ronny Bar, the man behind the masterful color profile arts in the WNW manuals.
I recommend to visit his website: contact was made with the frinedly help of Martin Reid, editor of the
"AEROTORQUE" free online journal released by warbirds AMG, Melbourne, Australia. had the kindness to allow UvdR the use of his name AND:
The original artworks on which the color profiles are based on!
What came out is a pretty nice solution for your wood grain desires.
Lets have a few pictures:
These decals (WGSF-48 super fine) are supposed to be a finishing decal.
They come on a transparent carrier film.
This allows you to adjust your brightness via the color of the acrylic basecoat.
Some radome plus a little bit white is always a good idea.
However you set your preshading, i t will be vilsible nicely and subtile through the decals.
If you want to postshade them, give it a go with clear orange, yellow or smoke.
In case you dont want to see whatever kinda shading, of course no problem.
Just jump over this step.
Sealed with clear they will sport out more brilliance and a fine and crisp grain.
If you think you want them a lil darker, just give them a oil filter with some burnt sienna for instance.
I think this is our best wood grain decal for now.
Uschi is very excited and very proud to call Ronny her friend and partner.
Thanks for allowing me to jump in this thread and spread the word.
A review sample is already "in the pipe" to come to an independent point of view.
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes!