Anyway after some drooling I couldnt resist. The kit really is incredibly well thought out and executed to build sweetly pretty much straight out of the box. The wings and rudder assembly's are cleaned up and partially built, I've drilled the wings and aerlerons ready for pinning with brass, I would do the tail surfaces but theyre so sublimy thin I'm a bit scare to try. Rad's assembled awaiting paint. Honestly this just flows together, the sprues empty alarmingly fast.
I'm building her as an early model with the pointed spinner, I'm seriously thinking of buying a later to complement her.
Theres a few AMS area's of course, and one or two ummmms *what kit doesnt have these?*

Anyway prog pics.

The motor, pretty much as she comes, yet to be detailed with oil lines plugs etc. I might actually make this my first cowl off build well partially at least. I'm still undecided.
Mods so far, I'm attempting to work around the rocker arms, WNW cast this as one assy and the arms have webs connecting them to the rocker boxes. Totally understandably of course but I'm attempting to add a little depth here... I wonder how long before one pings into the void?

Not sure how well my lagging worked, its not quite how it seemed before paint... hmmm

basic painting of wood work, tank in grey needs chipping an wearing in. lots of scope for detailing here

The Dash, gorgeous decals by WNW I would as an after thought though reccomend sperating them mine didnt quite seem to stretch too well, a touch of paint here and there as I paint the details will mask that though easily enough. I shaved off the knob beneath the fuel controls and will be adding that as its actually a pull knob. I might replace the dynamo handle too, I've a few Roden spares.
On the reverse I've removed all the moulded on pipework and will be adding it in copper etc if I go for a panel off which is very tempting.
Finally an ummmm
The undercarriage I pored over pics of period Rumplers and the museum one too, I think (and may well be wrong) the axle assembly sits to low, its too extended (as in the museum Rumpler which stands off its wheels on stands) In all the pics I checked the axle appears to sit in the slot in the undercarriage legs not beneath it?
Anyway I was convinced enough to mod mine.

Loving this build though, another WNW gem.