Very nice review Stephen - Thanks for posting.
I totally agree with you that this is one of WNWs finest efforts to date. So far everything has fitted beautifully and been a joy to assemble.
Your point of pinning the lower wings, is a good call. Having dryfitted them into the finished nacelle, I can feel a bit of play, so to get the correct angle, pinning and perhaps using some sort of jig is a good idea.
I will also step out a bit of sequence in the assembly, waiting to attatch the landing gear until the lower wings are in place.
I'm also thinking about not assembling the upperwing, attaching the center section first to the cabanes and interplane struts, then sliding in the outer wings... The fit of these is very good, but we'll see how I get on. Hopefully this work thing will end soon so that I can get a bit of time building.
Best Regards