Thanks Frederick, Yes I also like the look of Japanese markings, I'm planning a range of masks for the Zoukei-Mura kits and their next is the Raiden which I have done the masks for the one with the lightning flashes on already, for my Hasegawa kit
Hi Chuck, yes it is cool looking, like something out of Star Wars rather than late (very) WWII. Yes this will be part of the Zoukei-mura range, as well as the prop version. This is basically all the markings from the prop version plus the flashes and codes; I will do some research to try and determine which units may have have actually used this aircraft, if it had reached production. The markings are a mixture of several, so it would be nice to be able to tie them down a little better
Yes I did pretty well at the show, I only had the 2 products, as shown elsewhere, and I vertually sold out of 1 and sold quite a few of the other, with punters asking for stuff that I had sold out of, so that's all good. Next year I will have a much larger product range, including, hopefully, the full Zoukei-Mura range

Quite a number of people commented on Millie, saying that she looked familiar, or "that looks like Chukw's work". I had great pleasure in confirming that and talking to them about your fantastic work and running my DVD with the pictures of your Ju-388 build