And so, to weathering. I decided to use a home mixed mid-grey sludgy oil wash to both highlight the panel lines and slightly fade the sea blue uppers. I sloshed this on and after a while began to remove / rub in the wash using a q-tip moistened with thinner. While rubbing over the decals, I noticed that the thinner was dissolving the carrier film. I was concerned at first but soon realised that the actual marking was still firmly stuck to the model and appeared un-damaged. 'What the heck' I thought and proceeded to remove the carrier film from all the decals using the same process. I have heard of modellers doing this on purpose to their models but have never tried it myself. Looks like it works!
I attached the rear gunners seat after scratch building belts and a back strap from wine bottle foil as none are supplied in the kit.
I then commenced the tedious job of masking all the clear panels and there are a lot of them (Eduard now do a set of masks to enable this to be done much quicker and easier). The clear parts are very thin and fragile (Ask me how I know). While removing the pilots sliding canopy and the fixed canopy behind the gunners station, both parts snapped in half along the spine. I had wanted to pose the pilots canopy open but now opted to button it up, as the canopy didn't sit right in the open position. The rear sliding canopy does not fit well in the open position either but I am hoping to 'persuade' it otherwise. After completing the masking, I turned my attention to the prop and undercarriage. I tried in vain to make some circular masks for the wheel hubs but decide in the end to paint the tyres freehand. I used thinned Gunze tyre black with a drop of Tamiya acrylic retarder and applied several thin coats. The photo shows the wheels after just one coat. With the prop, I sprayed the tips yellow, masked them off and then sprayed Tamiya flat black which dried to a semi gloss sheen (???). The prop boss was hand painted with Humbrol silver enamel and given a dark wash.
Next job is to apply the flat coat and attach all the sticky-out bits.