Well after several hours of work I've gotten this far. The large locating pins haven't proven to be a major problem providing good positive fit and reasonably good alignment of the two halves. I glued the wings together to make the cut through the nacelles easier, which actually worked out pretty well.
I glued the interior together and placed inside the right hand side of the fuselage to line everything up which again worked well and provides little trouble. Next I remove the resin cowls and engines from their respective backings and cleaned them up. Again no real dramas removing the resin parts although care is needed when removing the cowls and engine crankcase and backing.
I then proceeded to glue the cylinders to the crank case, I was worried as there was no positive locating pins for the cylinders even though there were on the crankcases. I toyed with the idea of drilling holes and using wire but realised that it would be fiddly and there would be little margin for error so I proceeded to glue them directly to the crankcase while the crankcase was stuck to some masking tape to eases handling them. with a little clean up the cylinders went straight on and were easy to line up with the crankcase everything went together well and when all were attached I sprayed kicker over them to set them in place. Bingo .... damn good looking engines way past any detail the original moulds had produced.
Here are some pics of the progress so fay you be the judge.