The seat looks much better with seat belts on it
And a quick test fit in the cockpit to see how they look
I have a cunning plan to deal with the intakes. Here it is.
First, chisel out the bottom of the rear intake mounts on the fuselage sides
Glue the intake halves together, making sure to remember to glue on the intake fan, then deal with the seam inside the upper exhaust vent
Now a quick digression to make sure all the other things which have to go inside the fuselage are all glued in. Add 21 g of nose weight, just because
Then once the fuselage is nicely buttoned up, it's time to deal with those intakes. Drop the rear inside the fuselage
Then carefully shoehorn the intakes into their mounting holes on the fuselage sides. They'll snap into position with a little persuasion
Now we almost have an airplane!