Here it is. Just some touch ups and a couple minor details. The Aviattic SH.III resin motor went in with out too much fuss.

This Roden kit was detailed to one of the late production machines. It was probably 1609/18 and was assigned to ZAK 3 in Berlin for tests. It was photographed with a unique propeller that was considered experimental. It was made up of two dual bladed propellers that were notched and bolted together at the center hub. ( Fitting like like Lincoln Logs).
Lozenge wing camouflage decals from Old Propeller / Wood & Wire.
Wood grain for interior & exterior surfaces from HGW.
Natural linen ribtapes laid under the lozenge to add rib detail from HGW.
Detailing resin set from Loon Models a Roll Models subsidiary. (Various types of late cowlings, engine support cage, horizontal stabilizer, elevator). LO32007.
Brass PE detail set from Brengun. An excellent product. BRL32014.
Instrument Gauge faces from
Instrument Bezels from HGW.
Lap & shoulder harness' from HGW.
Spandau guns detailed with Karaya PE brass sets.
National markings from the Roden kit.
Rigging is "Toothy Critter" leader material. Set #15.