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The problem I have at the moment is to paint the yellow stripe (band) on the rear fuselage. Due to the round shape I find it very difficult to get a good result
Maybe you have the right idea?
kind regards ro
To paint a band around a compound curve is simple using Kubaki type tape (Tamiya type tape):
1. Cut thin strips of tape, as thin as is practicable. Always use a cut edge to the side which is to be painted (an original edge is likely to have bits adhering to it.
2. Carefully wrap one piece of tape around the fuselage, using the Mk 1 eyeball to keep it straight.
3. Determine the width of the band and set this on a pair of dividers.
4. Lay a second strip of tape on the fuselage, using the dividers to determine the distance from the first strip.
5. Continue around the fuselage using the dividers at regular intervals to check the distance. Again use the Mk 1 eyeball to confirm that the second strip is straight.
6. When both strips are in position use wider strips of tape to mask away from them, to prevent over spray. Because these strips will be wider they must be shorter and done in sections.
7. Paint the band and when the paint is dry remove the masking

The tendency when painting colours such as yellow and white is to apply the paint far too thickly, especially over darker colours. This is not necessary but if you do use a sharp blade to cut the paint along the masking edge otherwise the paint will end up with a ragged edge.
Because the strips are thin they will easily conform to the compound curve of the fuselage, the trick is to get the first one vertical and in a consistent position around the fuselage; so take you time and check it constantly as you go. You will know that it is accurate if when you come back around to the start the 2 ends overlap perfectly, without being forced. Check and double check that the strip doesn't deviate as it goes around the fuselage and, if it does, lift it and reapply that section.
If you have a thin ban to apply, say on a spinner, then cut a thin strip of tape to the correct width, see my Spitfire build on how to make a simple parallel cutter
Spitfire build You can either paint the band colour first, apply the masking strip, then paint the other colour or,paint the main colour first apply the masking strip, as 2 above. Lay a strip of tape on either side of the first, then remove the first and mask away from the 2 remaining pieces and paint; works every time