After measuring out the area needed to be covered by the invasion bands, masking it off and painting the whole area white, (last post), I was ready to get one with the fun part.
First job. Put the Miracle Masks in place for the national insignia.
Once I was happy with this, then the outside part of the mask was removed.
Next job, mask off the invasion bands ready for painting the black areas.
And once that had been double checked, paint the black bands.
Everything I paint "black" on a model is actually a 50/50 mix of Tamiya Flat black and Red Brown. I have a large glass bottle which came with an old airbrush in which I store this "scale black". when it gets low, I just tip a jar of each colour into it.
Masking off...( for this part)
Final part of this will be to replace the outside part of the Miracle Mask, mask around this and then weed out the area to be painted insignia blue.
Looking nice, even if I say it myself.
I suppose I'd better get in touch with Mal and order some code letters and the serial numbers masks at some point.