Having dipped the vac-u-form canopy in future I was not concerned with using superglue to attach it. This has worked for me plenty of times, though I will use white glue to position the canopy and then use the superglue more as a tack. This time was no exception regarding any clear part crazing. However, my applicator had a minor incident. While putting down the ultra thin stuff the fine wire moved in the tweezers… needless to say there was the smallest of superglue spots on the windscreen. Thinking I could live with it I moved on… I was wrong. Seems that the spot of glue was in a place that no matter where in the room I was, it stared back at me! Off with the windscreen and masking up a discarded spare. The main reason for the vac-u-form canopy was to replace the overly thick rear portion of the kit part, and this looks good, so I wasn’t too broke up over the windscreen. I did have a bear of a time attaching the manual gun sight, and nearly left it off. I finally did one, painted it and attached with 5 min epoxy and let gravity do the work. It turned out nice, but unless you look for it you won't see it. Here's a first attempt. I did this six different times, and the size really hampered things. There are 5 PE rings somewhere inside the cockpit, for the life of me I couldn't find them.
Next came the gear and the other little bits. A bit of warning! When scratching out 2 sets of landing gear, put the less pretty ones away. Some time back I switched to 5 minute epoxy on landing gear that would present problems attaching. Being brass tubing this project qualified. The gear went on fine and as the epoxy cured I noted that I was using the gear reserved for the concept II (not so nice). Using some creative placement of the covers it got rid of most of the glaring first try at doing the landing gear. Oh well.
Unfortunately, or fortunate, depending on your point of view, I neglected to do much photography till the end of the build.
After a few passes with a touch up brush, and the addition of the drop tank this bird was done.