I started this build when it was first released in 2007/08 and then shelved it for whatever reason. It has languished on my shelf of procrastination since then and when I finished the Defiant, I vowed to do one of the kits that lay languishing. I decided to do this one, as it was amongst the oldest kits there and I felt in a good place to be able to tackle it:

Pulling the kit out, I took stock. I had almost completed the construction as the cockpit was finished and installed, the wings were on and the Quickboost engine had been installed into the starboard nacelle:

The RLM 02 I had used for the cockpit back then was the Vallejo Air grey/green and it really looked too dark then and still does now but it was staying. I had decided to close the forward gun bay and the nose had been cemented into shape and roughly sanded. The engine nacelles had been attached and the well known gap addressed with filler (I think it was Vallejo acrylic filler) as well as the gaps on the underside wing joins. All in all it looked a bit rough and ready and probably reflected where I was, mindset wise, in 2007. The canopy had been taped over, the gaps taped and the kit put onto the shelf:

I set about tidying up the seams, removing the steps created by hasty gluing and alignment on the wings and getting rid of all the basic errors.
I finished off the MLG bays with the remaining kit pieces, Eduard PE and some styrene. I then completed the lower gear assemblies, fitted the brake lines and shot Aeromaster RLM 02 on all the interior surfaces except the cockpit. It is much lighter than the Vallejo Air and a better representation IMHO:

The engine nacelles were cleaned up and the lower inlet pieces fitted. The majority of the piece sits on panel lines except the curved section at front which is smooth. So out with the sanding sticks and Mr Surfacer. The exposed engine had a little more detail added with some more piping to go:

The position lights on each wingtip were removed and the location defined. I will add some CMK position lights later on. The kit wheels are incorrect for a C model, so the Aerocast AM wheels had been partially painted and marked P and S. They have now been masked and the brass details added, awaiting a coat of black:

The MG15 was assembled from kit parts, PE, resin and a lot of luck. Naturally after this photo the rear gun sight was flung to the far corners of the earth and a replacement has been sourced. Which allowed me to put it on the correct, forward, position.

The DF antenna is made of two loops but produced as a single part. Judicious use of an RB ultra fine saw and a lot of luck resulted in an equal split down the middle to crate the two rings:

The rear stabilisers have been added and the whole frame given a general tidy up to bring it to a point where I am almost happy to move on. There is some re-scribing to be done and rivets to be replaced before I commit to paint:

I am still to settle on a scheme but I am leaning to the night fighter scheme (L1+DH) from the kit or one of Falck's early birds from the AM Techmod decals. The canopy sections have been dunked in Pledge (Future) and are drying and the PE details for the closed section of the canopy are being assembled.
Thanks for checking in.