Hi Rowan,
well, this thread is about the 1/72 kit but I have just finished my quarterscale Do 215 and have "experienced" the fitting. I will show it in my assembly line thread in a few days.
The nightfighter nose doesn't fit well to the fuselage without major surgery to the, well, how would you call it, maybe fittting frame of the nose. I had to erase it completly and did several test fittings until I thought it was good enough. Still a bit of sanding had to be done. I've checked other built models of this kit in the www and they all had problems there. Some look worse than mine. Another major fitting problem is the wings to the fuselage. Behind the canopy is a gap which could compete against WW1 trenches. But I managed to fill and sand it well enough. On the lower end between fuselage and wings shows up a step which I carefully sanded down. It's still visible a bit but it's acceptable for me. On the underside there are gaps and steps on both sides of the wings/fuselage area which are not easy to battle against but I did the best I could. As I closed the engine cowlings there are small holes on both rear ends of the covers which looked like a mould fault. Some more filler here and some more careful sanding.
Recently I've build Zvezda's Pe-2 and that fitting was nearly perfect, so Zvezda vs. ICM it's 1:0. And I don't mean that political.
I have also Revell's (ICM) new Ju 88 A-4 (1/48) in my stash so I wonder what surprises I will get with that kit ....