They say that solving puzzles will help keep your brain young and thus improves your general health. If that is the case then this build is going to add ten years to my life.
I worked on the pieces and subassemblies that will go into the nose and cockpit area so that they can be painted and then put into place for final assembly. There is a lot of flash and pin marks to be removed for every part in this kit. Once I worked my way to bulkhead 3/instrument panel, I had to figure out exactly what can be placed before I place the assembly on to the deck and what might need to wait for fear of breakage. I will have built this aircraft in my mind a dozen times over before I finish the actual build. That’s good though. Not only will it help me build the best model I can; I will learn so much about how and why I do certain things the way I do them.
Prep of the control yolk was pretty straight forward. Just seam lines and one pin mark on each yolk that needed attention.
After I discovered the problem in the instructions, the bombsight just needed a little cleaning. They have improved the details of the bombsight so two of the PE parts are not needed as they are nicely molded on the new part.
Other than the VERY niggly PE parts the chin turret control also was no problem. I did have trim the base of the controller to make it look correct as it will be in the stored position.
The instrument panel required a good amount of prep. I had to sand down the molded panel details but also remove the rudder pedals. To ensure the right amount was removed I had to dry fit the assembly and measure the bottom of the panel. If I did it right the rudder pedals should now fit just right. On bulkhead 3, a couple of the details were removed to make way for PE parts.
I’ll post pics after I have all the prep work done.