I began model as a youth back in the late seventies. I would run down to the dime store to buy a kit I thought was cool and throw it together in a day or two. Not much could be said about the quality of the builds of course. As a teen I began to take more pride and care in my builds. My brother, who was off at collage by that time, had a friend that was big in model making. He had purchase this same kit and gave figures from it to my brother who gave them to me. Those were the first figures that I carefully painted with as much detail as I could. I remember even adding a red glow on the tip of the cigarette in the pilot’s hand. That was what really changed me from just putting kits together to building models.
I wanted to build this kit back then but could never find it. When I joined military my model making took a 25 year break. I’m now back at the desk and have learned a lot of the techniques that have evolved since I stopped. Now thanks to the internet, I have the kit in hand as well as lots of aftermarket parts. I may even add a few more.
This will not be a fast build. I have some other projects that will be going at the same time as this build. Also I will be doing lots research on the B-17G, which I have already started. I am going to try to be as accurate as the kit and my skills will let me. Any help the research or techniques would be greatly appreciated.
I hope this can be enjoyable for all of us.