I thought I might share my first Shapeways/3D printing experience .
I've been wanting to do a floatplane and catapult for some time so I have begun to explore it a bit. A google search for IJN 1/48 catapult led me to Shapeways. The catapult itself is offered along with cradles and deck trollies for both single and twin float configurations. A number of other items are also available for deck handling-rails, turntables and I believe a crane as well.
As this is my first experience with 3D printing of any sort I ordered only the single float cradle - approx $ 17 USD plus shipping vs $ 145 USD for the catapult - a little easier to absorb if I was unhappy with the product.
So far the experience has been great. I ordered the cradle and within the hour I got a communication from Shapeways saying that the product was not printable due to the design . Within the next hour I received further communication from both Shapeways and the designer saying the problem had been corrected and i could re- order which I did.
I received it today - the entire process took about one week.

The material seems to be nylon - a slight sintered texture is apparent . I spent about one half hour lightly scraping with a new # 11 blade and 800 silicon carbide paper before taking photos . I don't know if the real thing had rivets - it likely did - but there are none on the product so clean up was simplified and they are easily added if needed.
After a wash up in soapy water I plan to hit it with the excellent Stynylrez Primer from Badger in grey . I'll update this post afterwords with the results.
Any and all input is certainly welcome as this is my first rodeo in 3D print town .
Cheers - Richard