Thanks for the review, Tim! I also thought about getting the Eduard Peshka, but honestly 56 Euros is not fair for this kit and it's over my limit of 50 Euros per kit anyway. Over here in Germany I paid for the original Zvezda kit 29 Euros plus another 5 Euros for the Eduard mask, which is included here. Okay, if someone it a resin- and PE-fetishist he should get this kit or buy the Zvezda one adding the rest.
I have built the Zvezda Peshka last year during the
Soviet Phoenix Campaign. If anyone is interested, have a look if you like. It's a great kit with only minor flaws, though the big amount of parts is not really needed, espcially in the rear part of the fuselage. If you want to show the engine, go for it, but I was too afraid of fitting problems. That's why I left that option out finally. Zvezda offers 3 decal versions. I must admit, the Eduard choices look really nice. But if I get another Peshka kit, it surely will be from Zvezda plus AM decals. So I'll leave this one here out.