Hi Yonaton, sorry for taking so long to get back, I've been a bit busy.
WeightIf you can't get hold of fishing weights or lead shot, then small nuts (as in nuts and bolts) will do. If you can't get anything like that then plastacine will work, but you will need more of it. Basically anything that you can fix into the front end of the fuselage, without fouling any of the interior parts will do. The further forward the weight is the less you will need, so plastacine is good, if you can get enough, far enough, forward. keep looking, there is plenty to do in the meantime.
Clearcoat Have you heard of "Future" ? It's a clear acrylic floor polish by Johnson and Johnson, called Klear in the UK . If you have it where you are it's likely called something different. It would be very handy if you can find some, as we need something to protect the paint so we can add a wash. You will also need to have a matt varnish as well.
Next up You can join the wings, parts B1, B3 and B2, B4 plus A11,A12 and A9, A10 plus C6,C36. However do not add the Fin/Rudder parts (A9,10,11,12) to the Tail plane parts (C6,36) and do not add parts C13 and C14 to the wings, yet.
After checking the fit of the fin parts I decided to sand the mating surfaces. This removes the locating pins but gives a better fit. Use masking tape handles to hold them, go carfully, so as not to sand unevenly. Tape a piece of 400 grit emery paper to a board or piece of glass, so you have a flat surface.
Hold the parts together, apply liquid cement.
Apply masking tape to hold the join.
Work along the leading edge of the wing, taping as you go.
A tip when applying tape, to hold joints, turn over the tip of one end. This will make it much easier to remove.
Make sure that the underside of the downturned wing tip is lined up and again hold in position with tape.The rear edge of my wing didn't need tape.
Let these parts dry overnight before taking off the masking tape.
Engines You can also make a start on the engines.
Cut the parts off the sprues and clean them up, Glue parts E10, E7 and paint. Paint part E11 and the inside (
only) of the exhaust end, after where part E11 fits.
Do not glue parts E11, E29,E28 just yet. Test fit E28/29, before painting and try and get as good a fit as possible (this internal seam is going to be vertually impossible to illiminate, after closing the two halves) I have tried, yet, but sanding the halves might be a good idea, but you must be carful not to take away to much, or part E11 may not, then fit.
Hand painting metalics. A good tip for when painting with matalic paint is,
do not stir the paint. Remove a little of the paint, from the tin, your brush handle will do the job. Place this paint on a a piece of plastic (a piece of card with a plastic bag over it will do). You need to add a little thinner to it and you will be able to paint with it quite easily.
As I haven't done any painting yet, I'm a bit behind. I am debating wether or not to hand paint, rather than my normal airbrushing. I'm beginning to lean towards hand painting, but it is a very long time since I did this, other than detail stuff. Could be a change of pace though.