News ReporterEngland - North West, United Kingdom
Joined: October 15, 2009
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Posted: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 - 11:18 PM UTC

Kagero is to publish a new book ‘Spanish Air Force During World War II’ by Eduardo. M Gil Martinez
Read the Full News StoryIf you have comments or questions please post them here.
European Union
Joined: August 09, 2009
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2018 - 08:05 AM UTC
What a coincidence! My next aircraft I'll build is a Bf 109 F of the 2. Esquadrilla Azul, flying at the Eastern Front in 1942. And I have a very valuable book of these Esquadrillas (there were 5 over the years). It's called "Die fliegenden Verbände der Blauen Division" ("The flying units of the Blue Division").
My campaigns for 2020:
MiGs - Done !
The Big Three - Done !
65 years Bundeswehr - Done !
40 years Leopard 2 - Done !
Land Lease - Done !