This is a scratch built 1/16 scale Martin-Baker type 9A MK.1 ejection seat. I found a set of line drawings in an old FSM (jul 95) issue. This was made from Evergreen plasics sheets,rods & tubes. Seat cushions,lumbar pad and headrest were made of poly-clay, baked to harden. Wire, solder for the cables and lead foil for the harnesses finnished it off. Verlinden's dry transfers 1/35&1/48 were used for the markings. The rivets, which took two days were made from .010 evergreen rod, cut into tiny slivers super glued on then Ten-x wiped over them to round them off. Painted with Tamiyas dark grey, seat cushions kahki & olive green. Flat yellow and red, J.A. green and black. MM's metalizers were used for the lines.
It feels like bible camp…Only I’m not crying pretending I’m somewhere else.
Happy Modeling
England - North, United Kingdom Joined: October 04, 2002
KitMaker: 1,495 posts
AeroScale: 643 posts
Joseph that looks superb. I have to admit that out of all the aspects of this hobby it is the scratchbuilders that I admire most when I see models like that.
Bulldog #4
British Columbia, Canada Joined: May 13, 2003
KitMaker: 711 posts
AeroScale: 107 posts