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What-if Campaign Interest??
Quebec, Canada
Joined: March 31, 2004
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 04:41 AM UTC
No problems Tread.

Wayne, we could leave the ribbon to be made once things are more formal.

And it's not that hard to make anyways.

Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 04:44 AM UTC
First off, I would like to say that I too am interested in something like this. Second, as for name, how about "Double Take?" I figure when you see an F-16 in Iraqi markings or a Mig-21 in US garb, you are going to want to look again ("double take") to see if you really saw what you think you saw. Just a suggestion though.
Quebec, Canada
Joined: March 31, 2004
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 05:49 AM UTC
We could force the campaing to use only probable stuff.

Say you take the proposed fighter for a contract (like when Canada bought the Hornets), so you can end up with F-14,F-15 and F-16 in Canadian markings.

That usually really bugs people.

Illinois, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 11:17 AM UTC
Hi Kyle,
Great to see you joining up with us on this and I really like your suggestion on the name. "Double Take" is the official name of the campaign. Well Done

and Tread - thanks for the good wishes. I am sorry it sounds like you won't be able to join up with us.

OllieC - That is good about not having to worry about the ribbon right off. Designing that could be fun too. Maybe someone here in the group can come up with a really good design. Or is that something I have to do?
I'll be learning all this kind of stuff as we go along

With Pheonix-1 joining up that gives us 9 for our campain now. Is that enough for me to go ahead and get the process started for our build
If so I'll start things rolling over the weekend.

Quebec, Canada
Joined: March 31, 2004
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 01:26 PM UTC
Wayne, maybe you could ask Merlin to know if you can start the campaign.

As for the ribbon, I could help in giving input!

Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 03:59 PM UTC
That's a good idea Ollie-C. I'll PM him with the status of all this and see what he can tell me.
British Columbia, Canada
Joined: July 25, 2004
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 04:08 PM UTC
hey wad_ware,

Would I be able to design the Campain ribon?

Illinois, United States
Joined: September 09, 2002
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Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 - 04:22 PM UTC
whodini - I would be glad for your help on this. OllieC is willing to help in this area too. Come up with a good design or two and then between all of us involved we should be able to pick one that really works for the campaign.

I was checking out the other proposed campaigns and see that some of them only have a few people elisted so far. It looks like I need to go ahead and start this up then all interested need to go and enlist/sign up.
I'll go do that now and post when the process is done so all will know.
