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Black box cockpits
Overijssel, Netherlands
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Posted: Sunday, January 09, 2005 - 12:08 AM UTC
I am looking for a complete list of the cockpitsets made by Black Box. On their site i can only find the new releases but not a full list. Can anyone help ?

Tanks in advance,
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Posted: Sunday, January 09, 2005 - 03:42 AM UTC
You could try Hannants? You can type in a search for what you want. I don't know if Hannants do Black Box sets but it's more than likely, and if they do they will more than likely have the full range?
I guess you could try this with other online stores as well?
EDIT: Yes they do I got 63 items listed
Overijssel, Netherlands
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Posted: Monday, January 10, 2005 - 05:14 AM UTC
Thanks for your reply.
Do you know why most of the BB items are stated "discontinued" ?

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, January 10, 2005 - 07:32 AM UTC
Could either be that Black Box don't produce those items anymore, or that Hannants don't stock them?
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Posted: Monday, January 10, 2005 - 10:04 PM UTC
Try GreatModels in USA
Warszawa, Poland
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Posted: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 05:54 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Oh well, there I go again making friends and influencing people

Very "on topic" post. Really helps to compile a list of BB pits. Everyone reading this thread is definitely very thankful for such valuable contribution.

Quoted Text

Do you know why most of the BB items are stated "discontinued" ?

This is because BB no longer makes these sets, but Hannant's still have them in stock. Grab them while you can, cause when they are gone, they are gone!

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 09:24 AM UTC

Quoted Text

2. Also, if all BB products are resin cast products like the cockpit I got in an Hs-123 AMtech kit:
By the time you get through breaking the brittle cast details trying to seperate them from the mold plugs, trying not to glue your fingers together with the typical super glue product (sticks to everything but the item you're trying to fix) repair the broken brittle parts, paint them with a complete subtile shade difference of spectrum of ugly colors, all under a microscope and strained eyes, and bury the whole detailed mess in an unlit, little cramped model airplane cockpit that will never see the light of day,

I feel another Article coming on
resin detail sets aren't that difficult to use, they're just different. The worst thing about them is the instructions, so you need to do a little research, and use a little common sense and care.
No "advanced" plastic moulded cockpit can compete with the ability of resin to produce undercuts and, therefore better detail. I use resin cockpits for that reason, and when the additional detail can be appreciated.
I think I might just go and see what Hannants has got left.
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Posted: Friday, January 14, 2005 - 11:09 AM UTC
Hi Tom

Quoted Text

With both the AMtech’s Hs-123 and P-40L kits, the included resin parts are basically only necessary because somebody did an insufficient job with the injected-molded plastic parts.

I think it's FANTASTIC that a major manufacturer recognizes the limitations of the injected parts (Accurate Miniatures stated a few years back that each piece in a kit costs $1000+ to design and produce) and have swallowed the costs of commissioning more accurate replacements (not to mention the decals...).

I've actually got a Review and Feature of AMtech's P-40 in the pipeline, because this kit is ideal as an introduction to the whole area of resin updates.

Keep 'em flying!

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 06:06 AM UTC
Hi Tom,
I don't want to highjack Marc's thread but the reason I responded to your initial input is that those sorts of statements might put newer modellers off trying other mediums. I agree that resin detail doesn't always produce a better cockpit, but in general it does. This is because resin can take undercuts but plastic cannot. I wouldn't substitute the cockpit in the Tamiya Corsair for a resin one and, if you check out my article on it , you will see that I didn't use any aftermarket stuff, other than seat belts. However when I get around to building my Hasegawa Spitfire Mk IX, I will be adding a resin cockpit, that's up to me.
I also agree with you that it is possible to produce a very nicely detailed cockpit with scrap items and bits of wire.
Basically, I'm not trying to change your mind about resin, or any other aftermarket products. I think it's unfair, though to slag off something, just because you don't like it. There are plenty of new modellers on this site, who have yet to try aftermarket items. Resin is here to stay and in some sircumstances it is very welcome. If I, or anyone else, choose to use it, well that is up to us. Have you actually tried using resin? It is actually quite easy to work with.
I do have the Hobbycraft Corsair and, quite frankly a resin cockpit would be far better than the kit supplied one. That doesn't mean that I would build it and add a resin cockpit. I would sell the kit, (would you like it), then buy a Tamiya one
One other thing, some of the modern kits are beginning to contain resin and etched sets as a matter of course. Take the Gavia Lysander for example. Re-boxed by Eduard with superb resin and etched details, plus paint masks for only £6.00 more. Between this and the other 2 Gavia kits I have and spreading the detail around gives excellant value.
Talking of paint masks, that is something I would never buy. I find it to be quite easy to mask cockpit glass and other parts. I don't go around slagging them off though. I will happily give them a go, when they are included in a kit.
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 01:25 PM UTC
Tom some harsh words there mate ,
but thats your perogative, i on the other hand tried resin accessories for the first time when i was 8 yo ,and they changed my modelling for ever , and now i can scratch build what i was seeing all those years ago, i would recommend to anyone to try them if they havent yet ,like mal says theyre really not difficult once you get the hang of them ,what i'm trying to say is o.k. its not everyones cuppa but they helped me personally take my modelling to another level ,black box resins are very good and dont break, with minimal handling ,they provide an extreme amount of detail to liven up your model if you should decide to use them ,but as always the choice belongs to the person who is building the model,i chose to add a BB pit in my Trumpeter flanker and its a 100% improvement on the kit supplied parts
right down to the oxygen PEC on the seat
yes i'm pretty sure i could have scratch built a lot of it but ,time for me isnt on my side ,i seldom have 5 mins of my own so they also help me to get painting quicker which happens to be the part i enjoy most on kits ,
i wouldnt put anyone off them just because they dont suite you ,i say give them a go you'll never look back ,
of cousre i dont expect everyone to agree with me ,this is just my preference , and thats what its all about
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 01:28 PM UTC
Marc they are available still from a lot of places but BB tend to discontinue them fairly quickly this is to ensure top quality they are more or less limited run ,
try as mal said Hannants ,or i get a lot of my from
Sprue Bros
thy usually have a good range in stock in all scales .