General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
1:48 aircraft models WWI (biplanes)
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 25, 2004
KitMaker: 11,669 posts
AeroScale: 11,011 posts
Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 07:40 AM UTC
JackFlash to Armorama Air Wing base...
Greetings all;

Concerning Photoetch, it is usually very easy to handle if you follow a couple of guidelines.

1. Use candle or lighter heat to pass the PE metal fret over until you see the temper of the metal change colours. Nickel silver photo etch may take a bit longer to heat compared to plain brass. Just keep a close eye on the colour. Some blueing ing ok.

2. Bend as much as you can reasonably do. and paint each part on the tree.

3. The clear bag that the PE metal comes in...Is a great tool. While the parts are still on the tree put the fret back in the bag. It is the best time to cut them loose. (Parts will stay in the bag and not fly off into the modeler's black hole. ) Cut the bottom corner out of the bag to allow only the parts you cut from the tree to exit the bag.

4. Use tweezers and an opitvisor. finish forming the part for exact fit by tacking it in place at one end and with the tip of a finger (away from the glue) form the piec to the surface and then finish any glueing needed. Viola!