General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
What aircraft model are you?
Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, August 04, 2006 - 04:48 PM UTC
Hi all!

While looking at my aircraft model collection, I wondered what plane would be the most representative of myself as model builder. I made some statistics and came to the following results:
- apart from one 1/32 scale model I always build 1/48 scale.
- I mainly built WW2 aircraft (37 out of 49).
- the most models have German markings (15).
- I mostly built Tamiya kits (7).
In my unbuild kit stash, I came to the same results: Mainly 1/48 scale, WW2, German planes and Tamiya.

So I choosed the following model in my collection:

It's a 1/48 Bf 109 E kit modified to depict the V14 prototype. It's 1/48 scale, WW2 (well almost), German and Tamiya. I think it is representative of myself because it's a mainstream injected kit with some resin. I like short run and alternative kits as well and I must admit I have a "faible" for german decorations.

Now what is your representative model? Is it German, American, British...? Is it 1/72, 1/48 or 1/32? WW1, WW2 or Modern? Hasegawa, Airfix or Monogram? Wich one would you choose in your own collection to represent yourself? I would be happy to see it!

Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Friday, August 04, 2006 - 07:40 PM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc:

In my case my modelling profile is:
1) Nowdays only WW2 aircrafts (in the past I started with armor)
2) Scale = mainly 1/48 and this year I began with 1/72
3) The ones I like the most are British and American AC
4) My favourites are the Spitfire & Mosquito

These are my representatives:

Now I{m working in a Vickers Wellington Mk X in 1/72.

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, August 04, 2006 - 11:36 PM UTC
If the question was what aircraft am i, then that would be easy.
I would be an X-F 85 Goblin, short, misshapened, ugly and pretty useless :-) .

But as the question is model then breaking it down.
I build mainly in 1/48.
A lot of early and postwar Jets as of late.
Mainly British.
So I'll have to be a Squirt :-) , the Gloster Pioneer E-28.

California, United States
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Posted: Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 01:26 AM UTC
I've built just about everything offered in the marketplace but as of now:
- 1/72 scale Main stream or Short run
- Exotic (read odd) Prototype etc.
- Stuck in the late '40' early 50's at the moment (planes of my youth)
Michigan, United States
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Posted: Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 02:58 AM UTC
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much building done since I came back to the hobby, but my collecting instinct is very strong That will be changing very soon as I'm starting on a OOB Tamiya P-51B to get my feet wet again.

However, based on my stash, (all 1/48th), I would probably be represented by German WWII twin engine planes, the Ju88 series in particular, followed closely by the Hs129. Or, looking at it another way, it would be multi-engine planes from all nationalities would be most representative, as that is what I seem to have the most of.

Luckily I finally have the room to display these large 1/48th scale beasties when I do finally screw up my courage to actually build them. I also promise to post pictures of my P-51 when it is completed, along with other stuff as I get going again.
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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 03:27 AM UTC

Interesting question! I woul;d have to say that I am as chaotic as my model building opportunities have become.

I have a fairly even spread of air, armor and ships. Already-builts find aircraft outnumbering the others. Of these, most are Imperial Japanese subjects, all but one are 1/48. Tamiya, Hasegawa, Nichimo, Fujimi, Bandai, Mania, Monogram, Otaki.

My recent builds are:

* mainly WWII Luftwaffe, from 1/100 to 1/32. Other recent builds include IJN, USAAF, Sweden, FAF, AVG, and PRC. By Monogram / Revell, Tamiya, DML, Trumpeter, Doyusha.

* The most common single scale is 1/100--most being Tamiya jets. Then 1/48.

My workbench is almost all 1/48, a 1/72 Bf-109T and a few 1/100 jets and copters. Oh, and a 1/32 P-40C. Looking at my stash it appears Imperial Japanese subjects are dominant, Luftwaffe second. Most USAAF are early war, P-36, P-39 and P-40s. By Monogram / Revell, Hasegawa, Tamiya, DML, Trumpeter and Hobbycraft.

What does this say about me?

Hmmmm...what does this say about you? Color Quiz I'd say it pegged me 95%!
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 06, 2006 - 06:31 AM UTC
Only 1/48 scale aircraft.
Mainly WWII but have a few modern jets in my stash and a couple of WWI kits as well.
Mainly Tamiya but have several Hasegawa kits also.
50% of my kits are American aircraft.
50% are German.
10% are everything else.

As for what kind of plane represents me............

Why the P-40 you say? Because it, like myself, is not the fastest, best looking, most aggressive, most agile, or heavely armed. However, it, like myself is dependable, gets the job done, was/is there when when people need me. Plus, we both have a very similar smile. :-)
Moselle, France
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Posted: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 01:37 PM UTC
Hi all!

Thank to those who have posted a picture of their "model" counterpart. But I'm sure we can do better: are you fighter or bomber? Injected or resin kit? Axis or allied? Share with us what is your miniature aircraft representation!

Washington, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 01:01 AM UTC
Let's see:
- mostly 1/48, but I have a couple 1/72 and 1/32.
- all ww2 aircraft (except for a couple a4 skyhawks)
- markings: American, British, Japanese (my favorite is american planes in British markings)
- mostly Tamiya
- Really like cartoony nose art

So my choice is...

Not necessarily my best done model, but it takes into account what I do and enjoy most.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 02:56 AM UTC
My aircraft modelling profile goes something like this....

2% 32nd scale
3% 144th scale (a bunch of Sweet kits)
15% 72nd scale (mostly multi-engined bombers)
80% 48th scale

20% WW1
15% Post War
65% WW2

20% VVS (Russian)
20% Italian
20% British
20% Japanese
20% other nationalities

Unfortunately,... my current profile, if it where to be surmised in a single photograph would be.....

I keep amassing models and find myself building less and less maybe it's a summer thing!..... now if you'll excuse me...... I'm off to walk the dogs....
Moselle, France
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 03:12 AM UTC
Hi Frank!

It's been a long time! I didn't forgot your Wyvern... but what are you doing with all these Polykarpovs! My goodness! Barbarossa was 65 years ago! :-)


Edit: you can throw the La-5 in the trash! The kit is totaly wrong and there is a new one coming!
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United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 03:17 AM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc

Totally stuffed here! I'm obviously a fan of odd-ball aircraft - which means Short-Run pretty often. Favourite country... noooo! Scale? Yes! 1/48. Period? Early flight through WW2 to the first jets.

So - if anyone has a link to a 1/48 scale short-run kit of an indigenous Equadorean or Siamese 1930s a/c, that'd suit me just fine! :-)

All the best

Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 03:17 AM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc:

Ok. To amplify my profile here I go again:

1) Nowdays only WW2 aircrafts (in the past I started with armor)
2) Scale = mainly 1/48 and this year I began with 1/72
3) The ones I like the most are British (80%) and American (20%) AC
4) My favourites are the Spitfire & Mosquito. I have plans to build from now up to the end of 2007, four Moosies ( PR Mk IV - B Mk IV - FB Mk VI - FB Mk XIX) and four Spitfitres (Mk Ia - Mk Vb - Mk Vb dessert clipped wings - Mk VIII) in 1/72, and I hope that I will leave time enough for a couple of P 51 D´s I have many, many Spits and Moosies in 1/48 and 1/72 in my stash.
5) Up to now all the AC that I built are fighters. The Wellington (1/72) will be the first bomber in my collection and the Moosie bomber version will be the next one. I like bombers but the problem that I have with them is the space in the shelf.
6) I don´t build resin kits, only injected.
7) All my builds are OOB only adding the home made seat belts.
8) I don´t use PE aftermarket sets. I find the PE difficult to cut from the tree, to manipulate and to glue them properly (in my case).
9) My favourite brands are Tamiya and Hasegawa, but also I like some Airfix kits, they remind me my childhood
10) My airbrush = Paschee Single Action. I love it.
11) Paints = 80 % Model Master - 20% Humbrol. Always enamels.
12) Glue = Humbrol liquid cement. CA only when needed.
13) Sandpaper = Tamiya and Squadron sanding sticks.
14) Masking Tape = Tamiya for gral. paintig job and Parafilm M for canopies.

Well, I think that´s all. My representatives are posted in this thread.

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 03:34 AM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc,

I can't help myself!!!!.... I'm obsessed with Polikarpovs.

I have recently purchased a book that I would strongly advice you and anyone else with the slightest bit of interest in the I-16. It's entirely in French.... even the captions....

Le Polikarpov I-16 published by Collection Profils Avions #4

by Christophe Cony, Michel Ledet, Juan Arraez Cerda, D.Y. Louie et Victor Kulikov.

It is a 300pg hardcover 215 by 300mm high gloss history of the plane with 26 pages of colour profiles. The book gives a thorough look at the history of the plane and it's operational service record, both at home and abroad (Finnish, Chinese, Spanish, Rumanian)


P.S. The Wyvern is yours.... whether you build it or leave on your shelve unbuilt..... please do not feel you have any obligation to complete it,... I would feel horrible, if you felt pressured to build it!
Moselle, France
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Posted: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 04:12 AM UTC

Quoted Text

P.S. The Wyvern is yours.... whether you build it or leave on your shelve unbuilt..... please do not feel you have any obligation to complete it,... I would feel horrible, if you felt pressured to build it!

Ok! You can feel horrible! I'm pressured to build it now! And thank you about the heads up on the book. I'm pressured to buy it now! :-)

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, August 10, 2006 - 06:33 PM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc!

That’s a really tough question!

What aircraft am I????

Well my stash consists of about 80% aircraft, the rest is ships, armour, cars, trains, Sci-Fi and trucks.

My aircraft collection consists of;

Scale; Mostly 1/48 and 1/32, but quite a lot in 1/144 (fighters, big bombers, airliners and hovercrafts).

Nationality; Mainly American, British, German, Japanese but many more countries represented.

Time period modelled;

The Great War (WWI) to today, but WWII and post war years clearly overrepresented!

Type of kits;

Most injected mainstream products with Monogram, Revell, Airfix, Hasegawa and Tamiya well in lead.
During the years I have developed a certain love for the ugly and unusual among us.
This leads to short run multimedia kits as Classic Airframes, Czech master, Sword, Azur, MPM and the likes.
I often find these kits more satisfying to build than those from Tammegawa, even though I love building one Tammegawa now and then.

Type of aircrafts;

Everything from fighters, bombers, weasels and choppers!

Sooo, what aircraft am I?

It have be an unusual, short run and ugly from WWII, in 1/48 scale.

This one will fit the bill perfectly, the Savoia Marchetti SM79 Sparviero in 1/48 from Classic Airframes!

Hope you´ll like it!

Stefan E
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 10, 2006 - 07:03 PM UTC
I'd be a Ford Fliver, after a bad landing. :-) :-)
Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, August 11, 2006 - 12:23 PM UTC

Quoted Text

This one will fit the bill perfectly, the Savoia Marchetti SM79 Sparviero in 1/48 from Classic Airframes!

Hi Stefan!

Wow! Nice model! And great choice...
I have the Flashback version of that kit (Classic Airframes kits plus additional parts) and wanted to do that same paintscheme. Now that I see what you did with it, I think I'll do another one! This would be a nice model to write a feature about! Did you shoot pictures while building it?

Dave, did you already built your Fliver? You could paint it red with the name DAVE rather than FORD! :-)

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Florida, United States
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Posted: Friday, August 11, 2006 - 10:25 PM UTC
One of my favorite Williams Brothers kits.... alas, lost when the Passaic River decided I needed an indoor swimming pool.
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Saturday, August 12, 2006 - 02:18 AM UTC

Hi Jean-Luc!

Thanks, glad you liked it!

This really is the Eduard/Flashback issue of the SM79 built OOB, you don´t need more then you get in this kit!

Not quite an easy build, but it came together anyway!
This paintscheme got to me at once but it was a bit complicated with a lot of masking!

I have lots of pics from the build and I could write a feature about it if you want me to.
I don´t know how I can submit a feature here though, can you please tell me how to do it and how to include the pics?

Happy Building!

Stefan E
Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, August 12, 2006 - 12:08 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I have lots of pics from the build and I could write a feature about it if you want me to.

Hi Stefan!

That would be great!

Quoted Text

I don´t know how I can submit a feature here though, can you please tell me how to do it and how to include the pics?

- First, take a look at the features on Aeroscale. There are many and they will give you a first idea of what we need.
- Second, write your article on your computer with a BASIC text program. Don't use Word or the like, but the simplier Wordpad (PC) or Simple Text (Mac).
- Third, select and then edit (resize) your pictures. I found that 640 X 480 (pixels) pictures are big enough for a review.
- Fourth, While writing about your build, try to point to your pictures. The best is to number them. If you can't do that, I'll do it if you want. Just name the pics in the appropriate order: SM7901.jpg - SM7902.jpg - SM7903.jpg etc...
- Finally, send them via the Support Center. You can access it via the SUBMISSIONS link at the top of this page. You will have to "Zip" your file with the appropriate program (We use ZipIt) so it doesn't exceed 5 Mb. If your file is bigger, you must split it in two.

It seems complicated but it isn't! The only difficulty is actually to write the text. Don't worry if English isn't your mother language, it isn't mine neither! Chuck (CRS) or Rowan (Merlin) always proof read my articles and change things here and there. If it doesn't works with the Support Center, you can also send your article and photos via e-mail to the Editors. Currently Chuck, Rowan and myself are doing the publishing on Aeroscale.

I'm looking forward to see your feature...

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 05:59 PM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc!

I feel that i´m in good hands now, so i´ll give it a try!

Please be patient though!


Stefan E
Moselle, France
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 07:06 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I feel that i´m in good hands now, so i´ll give it a try!

Hi Stefan!

That's great... and don't worry, I'm patient!

England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 08:25 PM UTC
Hi JeanLuc!
This is a really interesting thread and Ive thought a long time before replying.
So far Ive finished 11 models.
All in 1:72 and all but 1 are aircraft.
Ive got about 35 kits in the stash at the moment. All but 3 of them are 1:72.I have the Airfix 1:24 MKI Spitfire in there and in the last week Ive picked up my first 2 1:48th kits,both Spitfires. (see the pattern forming here?)
Of the remaining stash,10% are Axis planes and the rest are Allied.All WW2 era.About 40% of these are er,,,Spitfires.
Of the 10 planes in the display cabinet, 2 are German,1 American,1 Egyptian and the rest English.
3 of the finished 10 are Spitfires,and 2 are the same kit.
So I guess that makes me the Airfix Series 1 Spitfire MK1,which was the first kit I built when I started modelling again at the end of last year and while surfing the net looking for modelling sites was responsible for me finding Armorama,getting well and truely hooked on modelling again,and has led to me making lots of new friends all over the world and meeting some great people who I would otherwise never had got the chance to meet.Plus,,I now get to show my finished models on the IPMS Armorama UK stand at model shows.
So here I am, an Airfix MKI Spitfire 2 completed and Ive got another 2 in the stash already!

Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 11:29 PM UTC
And what a nice Mk I Spitfire you are too Nige. :-)

Based on my stash, and it is only 6 strong so far, just got back into doing aircraft a change of pace from figures, I am an early post war american Jet. Don't mind the jet bit but must change the american bit Suppose that means more kits to get past SWMBO
