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F-16 - Desert Storm (1/48) ???
Manitoba, Canada
Joined: April 21, 2004
KitMaker: 13 posts
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Posted: Monday, March 19, 2007 - 05:52 AM UTC
So, I'd like to build an F-16 in 1/48 scale. Can someone recommend a model that accurately represents something from the 1991 Desert Storm conflict?

EDIT: I should also note, I do not need decals right with the model. I'm sure someone has some aftermarket decals that would be appropriate for the Desert Storm theme.

Idaho, United States
Joined: May 16, 2003
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Posted: Monday, March 19, 2007 - 08:21 AM UTC
Hello Sean,

Desert Storm F-16, I can think of the following kits and some are out of production but available through E-Bay, yard sales, and swap meets.

Italeri F-16C Fighting Falcon (not in production)
Italeri F-16A NATO Fighter (not in production)
Hasegawa F-16C Fighting Falcon (soon to be released)
Academy F-16C Fighting Falcon 'Flying Razorbacks'
Academy F-16A/C Fighting Falcon
Revell/Monogram F-16A Fighting Falcon
Hobby Craft USAF Desert Storm F-16 Falcon

I think ESCI and Tamiya each had kits as well. I don't believe any of these kits except Hobby Craft has decals for Desert Storm. So you will need to look for an aftermarket sheet. Maybe somone else can comment on decals for the time frame you need because I'm not sure. Anyone, did Isra decals produce a Gulf War sheet?

Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Monday, March 19, 2007 - 02:03 PM UTC
Hello Sean and Brian

I am no "Suck'n'blow" guy, but what I have read so far the Hasegawa F-16's (A-D) are the best out there! The soon to be released kit is Tamiya F-16 CJ, which will be the next benchmark kit, but as we know Tamiya it will be the only variant for some time, so for earlier versions you still should go with Hasegawa.

just my 2ct

best wishes

North Carolina, United States
Joined: September 28, 2005
KitMaker: 347 posts
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Posted: Monday, March 19, 2007 - 06:36 PM UTC
The Hasegawa F-16C or CJ is the best at the moment. I have built the CJ and have one in my stash calling my name (as they all do). So many kits, so little time...