Friday, January 04, 2008 - 03:21 AM UTC
Anigrand Craftswork's are no strangers to producing experimental aircraft in kit form and their two latest release's are not disappointing.
Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar
Anigrand Craftswork's Boeing X-20 (Model 844-2005) is the first kitted 1/72 scale model in the market. It comes with detailed resin parts such as cockpit interior and landing gears, as well as decals and the clear resin casting window pieces. Price will be around $38 not including P+P.

The Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar was a USAF program to develop a space plane that could be used for a variety of military missions. Test flights would have included glide drops from the B-52. The X-20 would have been covered with ceramic heat-resistant material, like the Space Shuttle. The program was cancelled after the mock-up was completed. A model of the X-20 is on display at the USAF Museum in Dayton, Ohio.

Northrop YB-49
Anigrand Craftswork's 1/144 Northrop YB-49 comes with many resin parts and decals, as well as the clear resin casting canopy. It also includes three 1/144 U.S. early-jet airplane kits as bonus. Price will be around $82 not including P+P.

The Northrop YB-49 was the jet-powered flying wing bomber. It was a development of the piston-engined. The first aircraft flew in October 1947 and immediately proved more promising than its piston-engined counterpart. The YB-49 set both an unofficial endurance record of staying continually above 40,000 ft for six hours, and a trans-continental speed record. The flying wing bomber concept would remain dormant until the appearance of the Northrop B-2 stealth bomber nearly 40 years after the last flight of the YB-49.

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  • Boeing X-20 Dyan-Soar
  • Northrop YB-49
  • Northrop YB-49
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