Monday, August 09, 2010 - 11:56 PM UTC
Anigrand Craftworks will be releasing two 1/144th scale multi engined kits.
The German Junkers Ju.352V-2 Herkules and the Japanese Nakajima G8N-1 Renzan should both be available in August.
The German Junkers Ju.352V-2 Herkules and the Japanese Nakajima G8N-1 Renzan should both be available in August.
Nakajima G8N-1 Renzan (Rita)
88 resin parts
Clear resin canopies, decal
Span 226 mm
Length 159 mm
In 1943, the Imperial Japan Navy issued a long-range land-based attack bomber specification. Nakajima aircraft company was selected to design a four-engine bomber capable of meeting an specification for a plane with maximum speed of 590 km/h able to carry 4,000 kg bomb-load. Nakajima's design featured a mid-mounted wing of small area and high aspect ratio, tricycle landing gear and a large single-fin rudder.
The first prototype was completed in October 1944 and delivered to the Navy for testing in January 1945. The Renzan performed satisfactorily and the Navy hoped to have a total of 16 prototypes and 48 production assembled. Three further G8N prototypes were completed, with the third prototype being destroyed on the ground by US carrier aircraft. But the worsening war situation and a critical shortage of light aluminum alloys led to the project's cancellation in June. After the war, one prototype was taken to the United States sand scrapped after testing.
Junkers Ju.352V-2 Herkules
92 resin parts
Clear resin canopies, decals
Span: 237 mm
Length: 168 mm
In 1942, due to the worsening war situation and a critical shortage of metal materials, Reich Air Ministry instructed Junkers to redesign the structure of the Junkers Ju.252 transport airplane. Junkers proposed the Ju.352 Herkules, itself developed in an attempt to replace the Ju.52/3m. The new aircraft was very similar to the Ju.252, which was made from wood and steel tube construction, and was covered in fabric to save on strategic materials. The wooden wings were moved back, a new vertical tail was redesigned, and the semi-circular windows of the Ju.252 were replaced with square windows. Defensive firepower was provided by one 20mm MG 151/20 cannon mounted in an dorsal turret, while two 13mm MG-131 machine guns could be mounted in the cabin windows. The V1 prototype made its maiden flight in October 1943, followed quickly by the V2. Ten A-0 pre-production (V3 to V12) and thirty three A-1 full production aircraft were built. KG 200, the Luftwaffe's most secret unit, got most of them to drop agents and fly other special missions until April 1945.
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here - on Aeroscale.
88 resin parts
Clear resin canopies, decal
Span 226 mm
Length 159 mm
In 1943, the Imperial Japan Navy issued a long-range land-based attack bomber specification. Nakajima aircraft company was selected to design a four-engine bomber capable of meeting an specification for a plane with maximum speed of 590 km/h able to carry 4,000 kg bomb-load. Nakajima's design featured a mid-mounted wing of small area and high aspect ratio, tricycle landing gear and a large single-fin rudder.
The first prototype was completed in October 1944 and delivered to the Navy for testing in January 1945. The Renzan performed satisfactorily and the Navy hoped to have a total of 16 prototypes and 48 production assembled. Three further G8N prototypes were completed, with the third prototype being destroyed on the ground by US carrier aircraft. But the worsening war situation and a critical shortage of light aluminum alloys led to the project's cancellation in June. After the war, one prototype was taken to the United States sand scrapped after testing.
Junkers Ju.352V-2 Herkules
92 resin parts
Clear resin canopies, decals
Span: 237 mm
Length: 168 mm
In 1942, due to the worsening war situation and a critical shortage of metal materials, Reich Air Ministry instructed Junkers to redesign the structure of the Junkers Ju.252 transport airplane. Junkers proposed the Ju.352 Herkules, itself developed in an attempt to replace the Ju.52/3m. The new aircraft was very similar to the Ju.252, which was made from wood and steel tube construction, and was covered in fabric to save on strategic materials. The wooden wings were moved back, a new vertical tail was redesigned, and the semi-circular windows of the Ju.252 were replaced with square windows. Defensive firepower was provided by one 20mm MG 151/20 cannon mounted in an dorsal turret, while two 13mm MG-131 machine guns could be mounted in the cabin windows. The V1 prototype made its maiden flight in October 1943, followed quickly by the V2. Ten A-0 pre-production (V3 to V12) and thirty three A-1 full production aircraft were built. KG 200, the Luftwaffe's most secret unit, got most of them to drop agents and fly other special missions until April 1945.
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here - on Aeroscale.
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