World War II: Germany
Aircraft of Germany in WWII.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
Hasegawa FW 190A6/R11
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, August 14, 2009 - 10:31 PM UTC
Hi Steffen,

..Howard is doing a great job here - I do try not to jump in on every Fw 190 thread..especially where colours are concerned ! As you can see my contribution is hardly insightful ! Thanks for pointing out my error with the name ...(I blame the magazine..) ...did you know Krause wrote a nice manuscript about his experiences but so far it is unpublished...

Yes finished the book, if you can PM your addy I'll get it back to you ..
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Posted: Friday, August 14, 2009 - 10:47 PM UTC
Thanks Neil

Well I thought the Nightfighter thingie would appeal a bit more to you ... but probably mixed that with Erich's interest. I did not know Fritz Krause wrote a manuscript. Maybe Erich will cover that in his book (with his co-author)?? .. I should really write him an Email .. totally forgot his birthday...

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, August 17, 2009 - 05:01 AM UTC
Hi Neil & Steffen

Sorry I have no update for you today. Lets just say it was a hectic weekend that really didn't go my way. I'm hoping to get some painting done tonight though.

Neil thank you so much for your input, I have been doing a bit of heavy research and have uncovered a few things although all are what I'd call internet speculation. Apparently the reason Owl have shown the aircraft as having one black wing is to do with an alleged interview with Krause discribing the plane!! I cannot find anything to say this is true, whether it is from the manuscript Neil speaks of I do not know and I obviously have no proof but it could be interesting. Another source states that there is a third picture of this aircraft taken from starboard, however I'm less inclined to believe this as if so I find it strange that Owl supply two Wilde Sau emblems for the starboard side. I will do my best to track down these "rumors" and post them if I can. I found them whilst searching on my girlfriends works laptop so wasn't able to save the url's on that one.

I will let you all know as and when I can find it again!

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 11:05 PM UTC

Well last night I had a bit of moment. Basically the long and short of it is a respray ha ha!
I will need to respray the RLM76 when I'm next at the bench but I'm pretty happy with it again now. I managed to find a couple of 190's that had similar camo style and modelled the RLM74 over the fuselage on those. It may or may not be correct but I'm happy to leave it alone now. Anyway heres a couple of pics:

I hope to get back to the bench tonight and do the RLM76 and I think I will do the model with the black wing for the simple reason that it makes a semi boring scheme that bit more interesting.

Anyway hope you like it and I shall post more as and when I can.

Thanks for looking.

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Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 11:23 PM UTC
Hello Howard

I like it! Personally I would have sprayed the 74 a bit more forward on the cowl .. but as I wrote above there were several styles ... It looks a lot better than the 75 only spine!

Keep up the good work! and have fun adding all the antennas

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 11:35 PM UTC
Steffen, I do know exactly what you mean. I did spend about an hour looking through all my books and pictures trying to work out how far forward to go and whether to add a section of 74 at the front of the cowling. I then found a pic of a couple of A8's with a very similar style of paint on the rear canopy section and saw where the 74 finished on the gun cover and decided that would be the way I shall go

I'm sure the aerials will test my patience out! I'm still not sure whether to paint them black first and then try to fit them or the other way around....who knows lol

Thanks for your help with this model Steffen.

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Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 11:58 PM UTC
Hi Howard

don't panic .. it is just my personal taste and I am sure you have done your homework.

here is my thought (using your pix .. will remove them when you have seen it):

(photos removed)

but again .. this is just my personal opinion and I like your model a lot!

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 02:40 AM UTC
Steffen, please leave them up it's no bother.

I did think the same thing actually mate and it really wouldn't take long to do it either I'll see what time I get tonight and you may well see a RLM74 splash on the nose

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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 03:15 AM UTC
Well, Howard

of course it is possible that this is just a reflection and the colour change could be here (yellow line) .-..


all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 04:57 AM UTC
Yeah that looks fair to me. I dunno how you saw that, I was looking at that picture for what felt like hours looking for a possible line

My home internet isn't working so I'll tray and save that pic to my memory card here at work

Thanks again for your input.

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 02:20 PM UTC
Morning! Well it is here as it's 2 am as I post this. I've got the week off and although I'd allocated it for modelling my heavily pregnant sister, husband and 3 year old daughter have needed my help with their house move. I have finished my end of the deal so they better get me that Hobbyboss MiG I asked for lol!!

Anyway, I had a great days modelling, first I added more RLM74, then masked and went over the RLM76 to tidy up. Some friends popped over for a few hours and then I masked up and sprayed the black! Hence being on Aeroscale at this time in the morning!! A few pics:

Basically I used Vallejo Panzer Grey for the black which I feel is a nice scale colour instead of a very hard very dark black. I also went with the underside of the wing as I felt it made the model more interesting. I totally understand that it may well be wrong but I'm ok with it.

I'm generally happy as there isn't very much bleed through and I used home made paper masks which I was a bit nervous about.

One last thing, although it's been nearly a week since I last posted I can't believe the build was already on page 2! That is a good sign for Aeroscale as projects have been a little scarce recently and although I know this is a fairly average build I'm still enjoying it and can't wait to start the decalling.

Thanks for reading, more as soon as I can. Now to drink a Guinness and hit Battlefield on XBox Live

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Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 08:29 PM UTC
Looks nice Howard!

Maybe you should rework the area between the black and 74 on the fuselage a bit .. I do not think there is a 76 area between them.

Just in case you got me wrong on the cowl colours .. I do not think that both lines are colour demarkations 74-75, just one of them .. but I wanted to point out, that there are indications but it is difficult to see from the pix which is a shadow, streak or a colour change ....

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 11:53 PM UTC
Hi Steffen

Thanks for your input as always. The reason I went for both sections in 74 is that once I had re-done the gun deck it looked a bit odd. I went through a few more pictures and made the decision to add the section on the cowl. I think really it should probably have been more of a sliver rather than the large section of colour that I have done but it's done now.
On the black sections, they are low but that is because of the decals for the outlining stripe (hope that makes sense) I'm not convinced OWL's decals are correct for this section as they are a red line with a white outer border which I certainly can't make out on the pictures of the plane. Hopefully I can explain with pictures later today as the boss (girlfriend) has set out no plans for today so I may well be modelling......oh I do need to go and buy more primer first though!

Thanks again and speak to you soon.

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Posted: Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 01:09 AM UTC
Well Howard

I do not want to interupt your flow (I already did I guess ) so I will just try to keep my mouth shut. Just a short explanation, because i think I did not make my point clear enough.

just fuselage: I think the most forward section should be 75 followed by a broader "stripe" of 74 and then 75 again up to the tail where the camo could flow out in several styles with different colours. So IMO the 75 should begin either forward of red line or yellow line .. hope I could make my point clearer.

black: I think the upper fuselage camo should extend to the black .. just mask the black part and "mottle" some 74 on .. see you original pic ..

just notices the right wing: (just IMO) there should be a V shape in the camo .. which might be different on the nightfighter as there was some work at the wings to get in the antennas .. sorry for referencing again my own models, but sometimes a pic explaines things easier (the V can look different than this and I am not saying my camo is 100% correct!!!!!)

I think best would be if you focus on your model and do not pay attention to what I am saying ...

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, August 28, 2009 - 09:38 AM UTC
Hi Steffen

Lol, mate do not worry I do like and appreciate your consructive criticism, especially now that I know how to take it

I know exactly what you mean on the wing V, I basically followed OWL's painting guide. Rightly or wrongly

I haven't gotten around to decalling her up yet as I'm having fun test fitting the exhaust shrouds.....GRRRRR!!

I'm thinking now of the weathering. I think the plane was probably fairly well kept with not a great deal of chipping. I think I may use some oil mapping to add some shades to the paint and then a touch of shadowing.
Bit worried of the exhaust staining though. I seem to be very hit or miss with that technique still

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 - 03:36 AM UTC
Well I have started the decals and one things for sure....any hint of accuracy is now out of the window

On the decal sheet the white borders for the black didn't look too bad although I wasn't convinced they were correct. However on the model they look way too big and are definately incorrect. I've left them on as it does make it look a bit snazzy but I shall call it a representation as opposed to a replica

Two piece Hakenkreuz is bad! I trimmed everything as close as I could get them but I guess a small bit of black paint will have to go over the sliver of white. What a sod!

Well, although I still like and am really enjoying this model I understand if some will have gone off it for it's accuracy issues.

Next model I shall MAKE SURE is better!

England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 - 08:55 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I'm not convinced OWL's decals are correct for this section as they are a red line with a white outer border which I certainly can't make out on the pictures of the plane.

Owl do a number of nice nightfighter sheets but their research is always a little awry I find...
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Posted: Friday, September 04, 2009 - 09:36 PM UTC
Looks nice Howard!

In case you wonder, I am still watching, but i try to avoid further interruption .. sometimes it is better to just focus on finishing something .. so go, Howard, goo

all the best
