I would like to propose a campaign for the fall of 2008! I've always been facinated by the photo-reconnaissance units, often flying deep into enemy territory with no other weapon than a camera. Some of the most beautiful aircraft have been used extensively for PR-missions, such as the Spitfire, the Mosquito and the P-38 Lightning.

The PR Spitfire! Came in blue for boys and pink for girls!
In modern times, PR aircraft often come with long and fascinating noses, pods and other extensions, making them truly stand out from the crowd!!

A Mirage IIIRD and an RF-5E TigerEye - You might need some aftermarket stuff here!
A photo-reconnaissance campaign would not be limited to a certain kind of aircraft, country, theater or time period. In fact, it would enable the participants to build subjects ranging from at least 1915 until today!

Early reconnaissance aircraft - the Albatros B.II

WWII - Some beautiful mosquitos!

The next generation – PODs and UAVs will be allowed in the campaign, as long as there is a camera!
A great place for inspiration is the Spyflight website, featuring loads of beautiful cold war examples such as the Canberra PR.9 and the SR-71 Blackbird;

All scales will be welcome. I plan to be rather lenient of the rules, but one rule is essential! Camera must show ! (either outside or through the camera window) This will probably call for just a little bit of scratch building! Here's some examples through the ages!

I would love to know you would find the proposed campaign interesting! Also, I need suggestions for a catchy name for the campaign (currently, I'm thinking of naming it "The paparazzi club") and - as always - a nice ribbon (perhaps based on a role of film, see below?)!


PS. What's with the long face, my friend!? Come join the campign!