Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 05, 2010 - 04:38 PM UTC
Quoted Text
". . .I know, I know ... I am a bit nuts but i'll surprise you and say this, that I am not burnt out on the D.V, believe it or not! While my next projects after this will probably not include an Albatros D.V I can see many more in the future. Jasta Boelcke, Jasta 18/15 and Jasta 11 are just a few I'd love to do, if I live long enough!. . .Dwayne"
You will not hear anyone seriously call you nuts on this forum. Dedicated, passionate for the hobby, history enthusiast, modeling fiend and devotee - yes. Nuts - no.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 06, 2010 - 04:57 AM UTC
Thanks much for those words, they mean quite a bit to me. This forum is like a home away from home and it's a great place where like minded wingnuts can share our passions. I know Larsa's comments were light hearted and complimentary so I replied in kind. I'm having quite a bit of fun doing this project and the feedback I'm getting from everyone is just driving me to the finish line!
Thanks to all for your support.
P.S. Stand buy for more progress pics.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 06, 2010 - 05:22 AM UTC
Quoted Text
.........I'm having quite a bit of fun doing this project and the feedback I'm getting from everyone is just driving me to the finish line!
Thanks to all for your support.
P.S. Stand buy for more progress pics.

You said it all right there Dwayne. Having fun! As a side issue, learning something to boot.
I've got my checkered flag ready!
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 07, 2010 - 08:42 AM UTC
So, what about the Pfalz? It looks good with a green tail.
"Treat 'em Rough", Current Builds--Wingnut Rumpler
I am frequently seen with blood shot eyes from staying up past my nap time to get the right colour scheme on my latest WWI model?
New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 07, 2010 - 11:32 AM UTC
They don't make them much prettier than the Pfalz D.lll but the line up that I'm recreating did not have any. The reference photo's I'm using are from July of 1917 and the Pfalz D.lll did not start arriving at the front until September. Quite a few of the machines in a line up from the time the Pfalz were available are different, although some survived from the July era. You could include a Rumey candy stripe Albatros D.V, a Mai Albatros D.Va and a Konnecke Albatros D.V of the Golden Triangle of "Kannonen" with the Pfalz D.lll which would be real cool. Pheon will probably do some of the later 1917 Albatros D.Va markings in their sets, Rowan said he was going to do sheets from several eras of Jasta 5.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, February 07, 2010 - 11:38 AM UTC
Did some one say ...Pfalz D.III !
New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 07, 2010 - 01:51 PM UTC
I knew you would like that. They really are very cool looking! Both the Albatros D.V and Pfalz D.lll were streamlined beauties but alas, they were underpowered and the lower wing of the Albatros D.V had a nasty habit of going in a different direction in a dive than the rest of the plane! Gotta love the almost unending variety of finishes on these machines though. I know I'll be building many for as long as I can.
Here's an update on progress. The fuselages have been joined and they've sprouted wings! Some base colors as well. These will need to cure for a day or so and as a result I've given the Aeroworks crew multiple day passes, they've earned them. I just hope I don't have to send out a search party for them when it's time to get back to work.

See you with some more in a few days hopefully.
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 - 03:35 AM UTC
I had to mention the Pfalz, because my Pfalz Dual kit just came in. I think the Albatri are looking great. Have you seen the Pheon artwork?
"Treat 'em Rough", Current Builds--Wingnut Rumpler
I am frequently seen with blood shot eyes from staying up past my nap time to get the right colour scheme on my latest WWI model?
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 12:33 PM UTC
Pheon is looking mighty good, I wonder how he is going to market the 1/32 scale versions. How many machines per sheet and in what order?
Here is an update with the woodgrain in mind. The colors are Humbrol #63 and #74. I think those will be the only two I use.

First is the base coat of #64. After that dries it's a medium tone mix of the two. Next would be a slightly darker mix than the medium and finally some minor highlights with a lighter mix than medium.
This second shot is just with the initial medium mix. I made enough paint to do the other model so i wanted to take comparison pics. More to follow showing the addition of the darker version of the medium mix and then finally the highlights.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 01:45 PM UTC
As always Dwanye , I'm impressed with your wood grian .

How did you find brush painting Pollyscale colours ?
You know Carl , you should do one on line ......
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 04:06 PM UTC
Thanks Terri. I've never tried Pollyscale paints so I can't offer an opinion. The paints I'm using for the wood grain are oil based Humbrols.
Here is the latest comparison pics that show the Green Tail fuselage with a third hue applied, which is the darker blend of Humbrol#63 and #74 and the factory finished fuselage with only two hues.

At this point I believe a fourth hue will not be added. What I will do is apply a thinned base color wash to both fuselages after they are thoroughly dried, to tone down the contrast between the three hues and unite them.
New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 14, 2010 - 03:44 PM UTC
Forum Folks,
Here are some more updates. The crew at the Dwaynewilly Aeroworks have had their paint brushes out and made a mess of themselves. Now I know why we've banned the kegs from the lunchroom!
The painting and tinting of the wood grain effect on the pair of D.V's is complete. I toned down the contrast of colors with a wash of the base color Humbrol#63. Once the red piping on the tails is complete and the rib detail is shaded I will seal these two up for their markings. That should darken up the finish a bit.

I've included a pic of two more of this six piece production line just for progress purposes. The other two gray fuselage kits look pretty much the same as the one depicted here. The piping is in it's initial stage. They will undergo a few rounds of touch-up before they're complete.
I'll post some more after I've sealed them up in preparation for their markings.
I hope everyone had a Happy Valentines day and you all enjoy Presidents day as well.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, February 15, 2010 - 03:15 AM UTC
Looking very , very nice Dwanye

Be careful though or the Captian will be knockig on your door and kit's will go missing
Look forward to seeing the makings applied .........
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 15, 2010 - 07:34 AM UTC
One can never have too many Albatros
"Treat 'em Rough", Current Builds--Wingnut Rumpler
I am frequently seen with blood shot eyes from staying up past my nap time to get the right colour scheme on my latest WWI model?
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 26, 2010 - 11:01 AM UTC
Does anybody have dimensions to Jasta 5's hangars? These buildings are well documented and described in places. But I have never seen blue prints or dimensions.
"Treat 'em Rough", Current Builds--Wingnut Rumpler
I am frequently seen with blood shot eyes from staying up past my nap time to get the right colour scheme on my latest WWI model?
New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 02:41 PM UTC
Fellow Aeroscalites,
The crew at the Aeroworks have been pretty busy and have finally quit for the night. They're probably on their way to Lulu's right now!

Here's some samples of their latest work.

I have paired them up for a closer look.

The paint jobs and some highlighting were completed and sealed under a coat of future which I let cure over night.

The decals are from Americal Gryphon, Eduard and FCM. All have their own properties but I have to say that the FCM are by far the trickiest and require quite a bit of touch-up. I think the best way to describe them is to call them water-slide rub-down markings. I finally wound up trimming them carefully and applying solvaset onto the kit surface first and then placing the decals on top of this. The glue from the sheet was not strong enough to adhere the entire marking to the model. With the solvaset on the model first they stuck about 85% of the time so touch up is required. I wish FCM had used the conventional method because they aren't that much thinner. They did line up really well, though.

I'll seal up this lot and then it's onto a dozen Maxims and quite a bit of photo etch detailing.
Regards, Dwayne
New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 01, 2010 - 03:47 PM UTC
The Aeroworks smiths have completed 12 maxims. Only need the barrels blued and they're ready for installation.

Onto the upper wings. Pre-drill rigging holes, aileron bellcranks and radiator vents and several other photo etch bits.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 - 01:29 AM UTC
Very nicely done so far Dwanye

I like the stripe one
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 - 02:25 AM UTC
Most impressive Dwayne. I like the dragon one. WNW is releasing a DV in a striped scheme like the one you have. I am looking forward to that one. Nice job on the PE. I avoid it like the plague ,unless it is absolutely necessary.
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 - 09:10 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I like the striped one
Color me suprised.
"Treat 'em Rough", Current Builds--Wingnut Rumpler
I am frequently seen with blood shot eyes from staying up past my nap time to get the right colour scheme on my latest WWI model?
Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 - 09:40 AM UTC
Wow my friend it looks like an Albatros Assembly line.Outstanding project.
Gregory Jouette
Sachsen, Germany
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Posted: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 07:19 AM UTC
Beautiful models and great work to build "more than one" machine!
I also have 3 nearly similar looking projects, but I have some problems to build "similar looking" objects for these.
Yes, the striped one looks a bit strange.
But, I like WW1 machines - aircrafts and tanks.
- Venera-14-lander on Venus
- Dragon s.10cm K18 at the Atlantic-wall
- Venera-10 lander on Venus

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, March 07, 2010 - 12:06 AM UTC
Fantastic Dwayne,the crew deserve a beer or ten for their production efforts
I love the stripey and the dragon one,you are a true legend
Major Caryle,
"Shall we have a go at the far end now,sir?"
Lt Colonel "Johnny" Frost,
"Having a go,is hardly text book terminology Harry"
Major Caryle,
"But you'll let us try sir?"
A Bridge Too Far
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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 07, 2010 - 05:43 AM UTC
See Carl , Andy likes stripes as well
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 07, 2010 - 06:29 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
I like the striped one
Color me suprised.
I would imagine that it will be on your todo list as well?
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