Roden 1/32 DR.I kit. Eduard & PofP etch sets, a resin cowl, some parts from failed earlier builds Roden & Andrea.
Refrences:- Windsock datafile special, the excellent Jagdstafflen, Schiffer's Fokker v5/Dr.1, Fokker Dr1 in action by Squadron/signal and Andrea's the Red Baron book.
So to the build...as usual by me I ended up with a lit in twice as many parts as it started out. Anyone who has seen any of my builds know I never do things the easy way.

the engine...basically done so far. doesnt fit under the cowl co I butchered the tops of the cylinders off..

Wings and control surfaces.
points out the major chopping and filleting to bet the tail to match the 1/32 plans in the Jagdstafflen book and the chopping and reshaping of the rudder.
Much thinning of wings before cementing and more after was done, access doors replaced and the inspection window moved in the upper wing *I made a minor boo boo here modelling the spar etc then realised after assy that the window actually sits on the spar not behind it.

Fuselage mods and additions, some of which really should have been done my the manufacturer.
Rudder mountings and reprofiles the tail section to make the tail sit flatter and the shape match the plans closer.
Gut the UC slots in the lower wing and filed the body recesses adding the door the hinge and the lip of the belly panel, all the studs are yet to be added.
Thinned out and reprofiled/detailed the cowl adding the second filler neck and opening out the fuel guage area though the actual shape across the front of the wing section looks different to the plans...I'm unsure which is right,

The U/C loads of thinning and reshaping to this blessed wing. added the edge details and redid the detail underneath. Yes the wheels are valveside out...I'm modelling Greim's 521-17 and one pic in the Jagdsaffeln book shows said valve openings to the outside.

okay, the fuselage itself. Not one to follow convention I joined the fuselage after adding the ply coaming from plasticard and strip,and once it was painted I glued and set the lot aside to set hard. the white rod is bracing the fuselage apart so it matches with the middle wing and the cowl fits right.
So I built the interior in sections adding them bit by bit, cutting down the unseen framework from the nose section I wont be adding anything out of sight.
Remade the carb intakes from tube and added the seals? around them to.
A lot done all in all even though I'm working slowly. But much to do still. but now the cockpit floor section is base painted, as is the prop and I'm hoping to have her closed up by next week...having just noticed the PofP ammmocans are far too short

Any how all comments criticisms and pointers taken

Thanks for looking.