Hi again
Another issue that's grabbed a lot of attention in modelling forums, as Steffen mentions, is the underside of the wing ahead of the wheel well. Eduard seem to have arrived at something of a hybrid appearance - the area is smooth (as on a 'D-13), but with with shell-case ports of the 'D-9.
I've seen it suggested that late 'D-9s may have had a smooth panel too, and I certainly can't discount this, but it's usually seen with an inset channel.
I wanted to compare the Eduard version with Trimaster's, but unfortunately the latter kit is so deeply buried in the pile of packing cases that I brought from London, I just couldn't get to it! So, I plucked up my courage, found a photo of the real thing, took measurements from the drawings in Jerry Crandall's book and sliced away the area:

I filled the notch in the Eduard wing with "superfiller" again, and made the basic channel with plastic card, chiselling around each wheelwell to create a lip. I certainly won't claim any absolute accuracy for the result (it still needs scribing in the photo), but it gives a reasonable impression of something "going on" there - and it will be partially hidden by the drop tank anyway.

All the best