(Cry for help!)
I'm looking for detais of the area under the tank and the lower engine bay area without anything in the way, I had links to several sources but lost them when my old PC died. Any help in this would be appreciated greatly.
So I'm building this alongside the Roden/Encore DII, rsources are quite tight so dont expect either to leap forward..
Building but planning I'm not sure just how stripped out to go, anyway on with some progress shots. Any ideas or pointers would be great, I'm approaching this very open mindedly and if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear.

I sanded back the fuselage innards, not because theres anything wrong with WNWs representation of the structure, I just wanted a thinner more to scale look, this makes the bulkheads and formers more in scale being the reasoning. I left enough locating depressions though to be able to fit all the fuselage members correctly, this helped to keep a more to scale depth to the sides where the access doors will be open too. Originally I had intended to thin just the cockpit but the thought of building it with an stripped out engine bay made me thin that area our too. Of course this brings other issues up where kit parts are tewaked to suit the overscale thickness but nothing a little shimming and shaving cant cure.
Briefly, I removed the nose cowl, sanded back to the first former (will be finished once the fuselage is mated), opened access doors, cooling slots to be done yet, looking to Eduard or PoP PE to see what they offer in way of replacement before deciding if to shave the louvers off or not. I cut all bar the main cross member in half thinking it will be easier to detail the kit this way. opened up the former behind the seat, I am intending showing it with the fabric cover hanging loose.
'm out of 0.40" square section, the wifes away and has the car mutters

I split the tank, adding the rivet detail as per the Tval website, looking at the pics I have from the kit handbook it seems that tank was constructed a bit differently, I feel safe in assuming there were variances in design and or manufacturers though. I split the tanks, intending to have one or both removed (depending on finding details on the area hidden by them. fillers necks are plastic tube, I sanded the tanks down and added the lip to the main tank out of sheet. I still have some way to go though, these along with the engine are bits I can tinker with more once the wood paint is on and drying.

I opened up the holes on the lower front crank case, noting however that there is other holes in the lower care near the rear on shots of the Tval engine, are they common to all engines? Other mods so far are drilling the 12 holes on the front face of the engine, scratching a stub of cooling pipe for the cylinder block adding some details to the mags, drilling them for the wiring and totally disregarding the build instructions.

A few shots of the fuselage taped roughly together to give a feel for the finished idea, I would love to think I have the skill to pull this off without shortcuts, Time will tell of course. At the moment I'm thinking along the lines of her being either being stripped for spares or a derelict find or being stripped down for maintenance, leaning towards the former. My original plan of having her on a railcar (Dragon do some 1:35th flatcars which I think would be close enough in scale) would mean a more complete looking and weather protected (wrapped) look, am I wrong? I seem to recall Stephen posting at least one such pic ages ago in a build blog for one of Terri's stripey builds.
Anyway, enough prattling on by me! Any comments, ideas, info or slaps welcome.