Finally, I got my finger out, did the finishing touch's or so I thought till writing this.
This has been just about the most enjoyable build I've done especially for an almost OOB build. My hats off to WNW. Thank you

WNW Roland D.VIa My findings
Overall, before saying anything else I have to say... This is the best 1:32nd aircraft kit I’ve ever made, I’m not just talking WW1 A/C either. Pound for pound, detail for detail it beats the Tamiya Spitfire and any other in my mind. I’m sure there’s plenty will disagree of course.
I just really appreciated the extra details. Little details like the hose clips, the fit of parts (there were some issues of course which I will or have mentioned earlier. Generally the kit is well thought out, simple to assemble, well detailed OOB with no glaring errors. The decals are sublime, well printed, in perfect register and include some tiny ones like the Bosch logo for the magneto.
The whole package just oozes professional production and it was a joy to make with very few issues and caused many happy moments along the way. Now it’s very easy to forget and appreciate just how much extra we get in WNW’s products and far too easy to pick up the bad points.
Mods I made:
Reworked the rear Maxim mounts.
Simulated tarred asbestos wrap on the manifold with a scalpel and liquid poly.
Opened up the hole a smidge around the rad and added the roll out screen under the rad on the upper wing.
Flatted the tyres to get a sit.
Repositioned some of the rigging points some are slightly misplaced for practicability/production reasons I think.
Added the thin pipe that drops from the coolant to rad pipe, seems prevalent on D.VIa’s and not on D.VIb’s
Opened the cooling louvres in the nose cowl and added the spring catches out of copper coil
Other minor tweaks to sharpen details where moulding constraints applied (very few)
Things I missed and realised while writing this..........Doh!
Missed the chain for the magneto key (must revisit that).
Missed the rear view Mirror and spotted a flake of loz to be repaired.
Please note some of these are my findings and all very minor, a little extra care and dryruns can eliminate many.
Pore over the instructions, the way they are done does make it easy to miss small or even large points (I have taken to using a highlighter to mark what I’ve done)
The missing fuel control panel levers...both in part and mention in the instructions.
It’s rather easy to fix pt F8 the wrong way round if you don’t fit the magneto assy straight away its easy not to notice till much later.
Really take care assembling the engine bearers, dryfit the block, dryfit the bearers in the fuselage, make sure everything lines up...let it dry and check again. I found I had pt F17 fixed slightly out twisting the assy, luckily by dryfitting I realised before too late.
Fuel gauge pt A7 should be sunk into the recess, the posn as fitted is for the D.VIb (easy fix, just drill out the location hole a little.)
I found the fit here odd, while dryfitting everything seemed fine, once set and painted things seemed out, I had heard of others having issues here so was prewarned, Carb side pt F9 was easy, thinning the inside of the flange around the lower and rear edge where it mates with the fuselage and minor sanding got it to look tucked behind the nose cowl.
Exhaust side pt F11 required thought and minor surgery, I repeated the thinning as pt F9 but had to lose the upright portion behind the front cowl and remake it out of plasticard.
Fuel gauage pt A7 should be sunk into the recess, the posn as fitted is for the D.VIb (easy fix)
Really a vast improvement in looks over the earlier Loz from WNW, I had issues with adhesion though which where more than likely my own making. (I didn’t follow WNW instructions) One thing though, the bolts (widths of decal) are not as wide as indicated in the instructions, I would advise anyone to rethink the application and work in from the tips on the upper wing so you can lose the extra joint around the radiator. And you still need to trim a sliver off the edges of each bolt to obtain a clean butt joint.
My wishes:-
1/ A little more etched options, the maxim rear mounts for one really are crying out to be done in etch. Separate clasps and buckles for the seatbelts as an option so you can make seatbelts as opposed to using brass belts. One extra Maxim jacket to allow for clumsy sods like me to destroy one.
2/ Those very few missing details added. The fuel control levers for one. I do wonder if they were meant to be an etch option that got missed?
3/ The Fokker DVII.
4/ An Albatros DIII with the correct interior not the DI/DII interior. Well I can but hope.
Concluding, as said above this is the best kit I’ve made, not my favourite subject but it’s quirkiness drew me to it, now I have to save my pennies and try the Pfalz unless WNW grant my wish above and sneakily release the DVII first (subtle as a brick hint there)
Keith (still grins when I loook at the assembled kit.) closes the Windsock datafile on this and begins poring through the Pfalz one