Well, I am calling this one finished. Just so you know after I had a look at these photos I went back and misted on a few more coats of matt to tone down the gloss of those upper crosses.. They didn't look anywhere near as shiny except in the pictures. And I trimmed that wire you can see the end of in the third photo..

The undercarriage is still a bit wobbly even after bracing with rigging, so I suppose that is just the way it is going to be.
Only had one wire let go while rigging, one of the undercarriage wires. I have no idea why it did but at least it wasn't three like the F.2B..

So there you have it, my second completed WW1 subject for KotS. The Roden Fokker is approaching the finish of decalling, and I am just about to start the cockpit of my RFC Pup.
Good luck and happy modelling to all those still building their entries and thanks for looking.