From Scott on the Aerodrome forum page.
"Models Forum Closed After months of infighting and off topic posts, the Models forum has been closed. Existing threads will remain in place but no new threads or posts will be allowed."
Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather model forum Closed


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 04:01 AM UTC


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 12:49 PM UTC
What happened. I was away for awhile and it's KAPUT.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 01:04 PM UTC
The model forum has now been moved to the archives . There is no more active modeling forum.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 07:05 PM UTC
– The Drome was a good source for modelers, its a shame they closed that section off. Then again the recent threads were not so much about modeling...


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Posted: Friday, August 12, 2011 - 12:12 AM UTC
Still is a great place for research,pics and art work !


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Posted: Friday, August 12, 2011 - 07:06 PM UTC
I hope everyone that cause it is happy and proud of what they did,
Petty vendetta's and spite and self importance and arrogance have nothing to do with modelling.
If supposedly grown men can't agree to disagree or accept evolution then its a sad day. I'm not fully aware of everything that went on but saw enough to prevent me posting much there. I never felt comfortable with the snidey comments and such I often saw posted.
My views on other matters such as posting new products of benefit to the community as a *heads up* not blatant advertising. these views are mine alone but needless to say I found the behaviour of a select few rather pathetic.
So its hardly surprising that Scott closed the section, I'm sure he doesnt want the hassle and or embarrasment.
Sadly I've noticed quite a few once stalwart posters here have stopped or lessened their input, whether this is a ripple effect or not of what has happened elsewhare I'm not one to say. But what I will say is its a sad day for all and those that caused it for whatever reason they saw fit should hang their heads in shame.
Petty vendetta's and spite and self importance and arrogance have nothing to do with modelling.
If supposedly grown men can't agree to disagree or accept evolution then its a sad day. I'm not fully aware of everything that went on but saw enough to prevent me posting much there. I never felt comfortable with the snidey comments and such I often saw posted.
My views on other matters such as posting new products of benefit to the community as a *heads up* not blatant advertising. these views are mine alone but needless to say I found the behaviour of a select few rather pathetic.
So its hardly surprising that Scott closed the section, I'm sure he doesnt want the hassle and or embarrasment.
Sadly I've noticed quite a few once stalwart posters here have stopped or lessened their input, whether this is a ripple effect or not of what has happened elsewhare I'm not one to say. But what I will say is its a sad day for all and those that caused it for whatever reason they saw fit should hang their heads in shame.


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 01:24 AM UTC
I admit that I was not one of the participants in that forum but it is still sad that it had to go for those reasons.
I see this same thing all the time in other forums as well. Sometime it seems more and more BS and less and less modeling. One forum that i was one of the major contributor too looks like it's headed down that path. The incidences of admins having to lock a thread seems to have risen and the rise in threads that havening to do about anything are on the rise. And even though there is s special section for these treads and it is mostly contains within its boundaries, too many people are spending time jousting in the BS than talking to modelers about modeling. Now I find mysefl wanting to spend less time there.
When someone new(ish) would come along and ask how to improve their skills my answer was how I did it. For me it join a club, spend some time judging at competitions and participate in a forum. Not so sure that last thing does much good lately.
DISCLAIMER (sad there always has to be one of those isn't it?) But this one is OK relay. None of what I said has anything to do with this forum. I came in here not knowing anyone and was welcomed from the get go. I had a problem with the build and there were good informative answers galore. Sprinkled with some light heartedness...such as... Warren! Don't forget to take your AMS pills!!! Anymore than 5 projects running concurrently and the condition may be fatal. Or at least very bad.
I see this same thing all the time in other forums as well. Sometime it seems more and more BS and less and less modeling. One forum that i was one of the major contributor too looks like it's headed down that path. The incidences of admins having to lock a thread seems to have risen and the rise in threads that havening to do about anything are on the rise. And even though there is s special section for these treads and it is mostly contains within its boundaries, too many people are spending time jousting in the BS than talking to modelers about modeling. Now I find mysefl wanting to spend less time there.
When someone new(ish) would come along and ask how to improve their skills my answer was how I did it. For me it join a club, spend some time judging at competitions and participate in a forum. Not so sure that last thing does much good lately.
DISCLAIMER (sad there always has to be one of those isn't it?) But this one is OK relay. None of what I said has anything to do with this forum. I came in here not knowing anyone and was welcomed from the get go. I had a problem with the build and there were good informative answers galore. Sprinkled with some light heartedness...such as... Warren! Don't forget to take your AMS pills!!! Anymore than 5 projects running concurrently and the condition may be fatal. Or at least very bad.


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 03:26 AM UTC
All things must pass, hopefully things will settle down over there and a return to what once was is possible again.
I have always felt more comfortable sharing my work at this site. Not because I felt the bar was set lower, there are as many outstanding modelers here than anywhere else. But rather because the atmosphere here is more positive and folks tend to leave their egos at the door. I don't always get to participate as much as I like but it seems that when I pop my head up, there is always a "welcome back" ... or " great to hear from you" ! That goes a long way, to feel that no matter how crazy the "real world" can get, this always seems to be an oasis where one can get lost in a hobby for some sorely needed time away from the grind.
I have always felt more comfortable sharing my work at this site. Not because I felt the bar was set lower, there are as many outstanding modelers here than anywhere else. But rather because the atmosphere here is more positive and folks tend to leave their egos at the door. I don't always get to participate as much as I like but it seems that when I pop my head up, there is always a "welcome back" ... or " great to hear from you" ! That goes a long way, to feel that no matter how crazy the "real world" can get, this always seems to be an oasis where one can get lost in a hobby for some sorely needed time away from the grind.


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 04:26 AM UTC
No worries Dwayne.
Pencils have erasers. Computers have cut and paste. I am also hosting queries at the Aerodrome on my suppliers forum. When I started here, I wanted Aeroscale to be just such a haven. The only ego that has been screaming around here has been mine. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. But I am easier to deal with than 20 other knotheads, so it works.
It works here because of the good people in the Aeroscale membership and their desire to have that haven too. If anything ever happens to me I know someone here can be called on to carry on. Model On!
Pencils have erasers. Computers have cut and paste. I am also hosting queries at the Aerodrome on my suppliers forum. When I started here, I wanted Aeroscale to be just such a haven. The only ego that has been screaming around here has been mine. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. But I am easier to deal with than 20 other knotheads, so it works.

It works here because of the good people in the Aeroscale membership and their desire to have that haven too. If anything ever happens to me I know someone here can be called on to carry on. Model On!


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 08:53 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I hope everyone that cause it is happy and proud of what they did,
Petty vendetta's and spite and self importance and arrogance have nothing to do with modelling.
If supposedly grown men can't agree to disagree or accept evolution then its a sad day. I'm not fully aware of everything that went on but saw enough to prevent me posting much there. I never felt comfortable with the snidey comments and such I often saw posted.
My views on other matters such as posting new products of benefit to the community as a *heads up* not blatant advertising. these views are mine alone but needless to say I found the behaviour of a select few rather pathetic.
So its hardly surprising that Scott closed the section, I'm sure he doesnt want the hassle and or embarrasment.
Sadly I've noticed quite a few once stalwart posters here have stopped or lessened their input, whether this is a ripple effect or not of what has happened elsewhare I'm not one to say. But what I will say is its a sad day for all and those that caused it for whatever reason they saw fit should hang their heads in shame.
The cat is now out of the bag Keith on this whole sorry episode .We will be hearing more on this I am sure !


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 09:26 AM UTC
I am afraid it is the sad state of discourse in every sector of life. Keep shouting the opposition down, even if you are wrong, just so long long as you are the loudest monkey in the cage. Keep repeating YOUR facts until they are accepted as gospel. What really saddens me about the Aerdrome closing down the model section is that it comes so soon after the passing of two of the giants in the field of research Dan-San Abbott and Alex Imrie.
Thank goodness it hasn't gotten that bad here. This site, and others, are an oasis from the bile. As long as we have an option on where to go, things OK for now.
Brian Riedel
I am afraid it is the sad state of discourse in every sector of life. Keep shouting the opposition down, even if you are wrong, just so long long as you are the loudest monkey in the cage. Keep repeating YOUR facts until they are accepted as gospel. What really saddens me about the Aerdrome closing down the model section is that it comes so soon after the passing of two of the giants in the field of research Dan-San Abbott and Alex Imrie.
Thank goodness it hasn't gotten that bad here. This site, and others, are an oasis from the bile. As long as we have an option on where to go, things OK for now.
Brian Riedel


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 11:46 AM UTC
What I find most encouraging here is the fact that we as a whole cater for and encourage each other no matter what skill or knowledge level and thankfully pretty almost always politely and fairly.
I know my comments can be misconstrued sometimes myself, usually due to frustration at my own inabilitiies
I never posted my builds at the drome feeling to intimidated to do so... still what has happened has happened, hopefully we all learned something from that and it will encourage us all to think.
Lets put this behind us and get back to the bench you slackers!
I know my comments can be misconstrued sometimes myself, usually due to frustration at my own inabilitiies
I never posted my builds at the drome feeling to intimidated to do so... still what has happened has happened, hopefully we all learned something from that and it will encourage us all to think.
Lets put this behind us and get back to the bench you slackers!


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 01:12 PM UTC
You know all this is just getting way out of hand and frankly very damn annoying !
There is lot's of different opinions floating around out there on what happened and what didn't happen with every one pointing a finger at who to blame .
Now I get to get PM on the Drome what is to the turth behind it all , but there is more to it , just no wants to admit to it . Tired of this game .......
Sorry Stephen if my words are little harsh ....
There is lot's of different opinions floating around out there on what happened and what didn't happen with every one pointing a finger at who to blame .
Now I get to get PM on the Drome what is to the turth behind it all , but there is more to it , just no wants to admit to it . Tired of this game .......
Sorry Stephen if my words are little harsh ....


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 02:53 PM UTC
It is time to move on.


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 03:05 PM UTC
Like Terri said, this is getting to be a real joke, we all know who is to blame for what happened over at the drome and now he is posting here, what a shame that his poison is going to pull this wonderful site down into the gutter like he did at the drome, shame,shame, shame,


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 11:48 PM UTC
Quoted Text
It is time to move on.
Amen bro !


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Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 06:16 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextIt is time to move on.
Amen bro !![]()
As I said on the Triplane Review thread, " support, friendship, and RESPECT" and we'll be just fine folks. Terry has a point; we've beaten this to death; let's just learn from the mistakes of others and get on with our happy little community. I totally agree, John, "Amen" !!


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Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 06:41 AM UTC
Dear JackFlash/Mr. Lawson,
Why bring the problems of one site to another? Is this in the guise of information or public service?
I had been a long time lurker at Aerodrome Forum but not a poster, in fact there was no need to log in as nothing I wanted to access was "hidden" just like Armorama where I don't long in for months at a time. I was at one time a member on WWI Mailing List, too.
I've been a member here, Armorama, longer than most of you but stopped posting frequently when I realized the best modelers are usually the guys who rarely post and the guy who has an opinion on everything usually has models that look, well, you know where I'm going.
On this site my past involvement has been with armor and now I sometimes look at ships but rarely WWI. Why? This site is simply too full of ads for non-hobby items and "structured" model reviews. It's too much like a product itself. That is why I would read Aerodrome Forum as it never felt "commercial" and felt like a place for modelers to share ideas. Also, there were a few world class modelers there who would occasionally show off a new masterpiece.
But what I saw happen was stupid poll taking last year about crazy things I'd never heard of and people posting hundreds of scanned pages from books and threads that had nothing at all to do with building models. Then I noticed many people seem to stop posting probably because any modeling was drowned by unwanted posts.
What made Aerodrome worht reading was removed and replaced by those angry about life or wanting attention. Now everyone suffers and what happened there is now news here? Or is it a cautionary tale?
It is sad to see grown people act like fools. I know I probably did when I posted faster than my brain could think. For everything the WWW has done good for this hobby it has done something bad. The obvious is wasting modeling time typing and ranting. Not as obvious is letting people who probably would get booted from a real club be able to ruin the fun and cheers of many others!
Why bring the problems of one site to another? Is this in the guise of information or public service?
I had been a long time lurker at Aerodrome Forum but not a poster, in fact there was no need to log in as nothing I wanted to access was "hidden" just like Armorama where I don't long in for months at a time. I was at one time a member on WWI Mailing List, too.
I've been a member here, Armorama, longer than most of you but stopped posting frequently when I realized the best modelers are usually the guys who rarely post and the guy who has an opinion on everything usually has models that look, well, you know where I'm going.
On this site my past involvement has been with armor and now I sometimes look at ships but rarely WWI. Why? This site is simply too full of ads for non-hobby items and "structured" model reviews. It's too much like a product itself. That is why I would read Aerodrome Forum as it never felt "commercial" and felt like a place for modelers to share ideas. Also, there were a few world class modelers there who would occasionally show off a new masterpiece.
But what I saw happen was stupid poll taking last year about crazy things I'd never heard of and people posting hundreds of scanned pages from books and threads that had nothing at all to do with building models. Then I noticed many people seem to stop posting probably because any modeling was drowned by unwanted posts.
What made Aerodrome worht reading was removed and replaced by those angry about life or wanting attention. Now everyone suffers and what happened there is now news here? Or is it a cautionary tale?
It is sad to see grown people act like fools. I know I probably did when I posted faster than my brain could think. For everything the WWW has done good for this hobby it has done something bad. The obvious is wasting modeling time typing and ranting. Not as obvious is letting people who probably would get booted from a real club be able to ruin the fun and cheers of many others!


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Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 12:24 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Dear JackFlash/Mr. Lawson,
Why bring the problems of one site to another? Is this in the guise of information or public service?. . .
Gretings Sniper/Steve
The reason is, that we do bring news here. Its about the genre and the community. We have always tried to inform the membership and encourage others to do so. We don't have the problems that the other site had because we are structured differently. I was all for posting and locking the thread originally. But higher ups wanted to let anyone comment that cared to.
You asked a simple question and it deserved a response. This next comment is not directed at you. The membership has the confidence that if anyone wants to start problems then they will be dealt with.


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Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 01:26 PM UTC
Quoted Text
". . .The membership has the confidence that if anyone wants to start problems then they will be dealt with. . ."
Thank-you Stephen !
Aeroscale is where I started off on to work on my skills and knowledge , this will always be my home no matter what site I'm a part of or doing at the time .
Nice to have that vote of confidence that we can come here in peace and share what we do


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Posted: Sunday, August 14, 2011 - 02:44 PM UTC
Quoted Text
The membership has the confidence that if anyone wants to start problems then they will be dealt with.
Thank-you Stephen !
Aeroscale is where I started off on to work on my skills and knowledge , this will always be my home no matter what site I'm a part of or doing at the time .
Nice to have that vote of confidence that we can come here in peace and share what we do![]()
Thanks for that Stephen. And Thank you Terri; your last sentence says it all from my perspective. I'm just happy to be our Moderator says, let's just "model on"and all will be good!


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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2011 - 03:33 PM UTC
Stephen, what happened to your suppliers section over at the Drome? It looks like it has been deleted. I noticed you had allowed members to post about modelling in your area there, but maybe Scott really wanted to clamp down on all modelling threads? There was a thread in the Off Topic section about the closure of the Modellers forum and that has now been locked down.
I appreciate that you have allowed this to be discussed here at Aeroscale. I had been a member at the Drome for 10 years and found the recent events there very disappointing.
I appreciate that you have allowed this to be discussed here at Aeroscale. I had been a member at the Drome for 10 years and found the recent events there very disappointing.


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Posted: Monday, August 15, 2011 - 08:52 PM UTC
I've been watching this thread from it's beginning without commenting until now.I believe the time to discuss all this matter has passed. Nothing is to be gained by by continuing the pitiful bit of history,let's all just drop and move on no matter how hard it is to do.That would include myself as well.
Highest Regards,
Gregory Jouette
Highest Regards,
Gregory Jouette


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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 12:13 AM UTC
Amen Bro ! Here we have a wonderful opportunity to start fresh.Model on!


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Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 02:17 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Posted: Monday, August 15, 2011 - 07:33 PM BST
Stephen, what happened to your suppliers section over at the Drome? It looks like it has been deleted. I noticed you had allowed members to post about modelling in your area there, but maybe Scott really wanted to clamp down on all modelling threads? There was a thread in the Off Topic section about the closure of the Modellers forum and that has now been locked down.
I appreciate that you have allowed this to be discussed here at Aeroscale. I had been a member at the Drome for 10 years and found the recent events there very disappointing.
Yes James, that is true. Their moderator found it offesive that I allowed modeling topics on my suppliers forum there. But if I have to get hit for allowing modelers to talk about building I guess it was bound to happen. I too had been there for about 10 years but I just can't get upset over it. Life is too short to worry about these things. Look what we have built here.
Yes, lets Model On!
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