I've had this kit since it hit the market when WNW released their initial four subjects and have been more or less planning and researching the build for almost two years. The "market" is replete with excellent material including after market components and reference publications; many of the latter contradictory and confusing at times.
In keeping with the Build Log format I'll launch this with a photo of the kit. The quality is outstanding and, with some added after market accesories and some "scratched" components this promises to be a great addition to the display case.

References are illustrated, all excellent in their own rights however the Windsock Special "SE5/SE5a Squadrons" volume and the Osprey Aviation Elite Units "No. 56 Sqn. RAF/RFC" pubs stand out as exceptional, the latter's cover painting illustrating my subject. The Windsock Worldwide March/April 09 issue has the Ray Rimell build of the kit. I should also mention the tremendous amount of reference material provided in the Kit Instruction Booklet, a volume on it's own! I'll be mentioning the contradictions I encountered in the References as the build progresses.

My original plan to replicate this subject was to use the WNW Kit augmented by conversion items from the Encore SE5a McCudden Kit. That's still the "plan" however I discovered that the cockpit component with the "bulged" opening does not fit the WNW fuselage,being approx. one mm. wider at the join. I have now ordered the Squadron's conversion set (which is actually for McCudden's 4853) however, with the spinner, prop, exhausts and narrow chord elevators from the Encore kit, I should be O.K. The decals will be a mix from the original kit, Encore kit, and Pheon's excellent "SE5a Aces in France" sheet 32004. I've also got the Scale Aircraft Conversions SE5a (Late) white metal Landing Gear and Struts, Eduard PE Set along with the Encore version, and a Tom's Modelworks #501 British Guns Pe Set to add to the mix. The desk "floweth over"!
(the Encore Kit can still be completed as a "stock" Hisso machine, I'm thinking APF Rhys-David's on the day of the Voss Fight)

Again, in keeping with the Contest Rules, a brief history.............
James McCudden was no ordinary Fighter Pilot; he had joined the flying service as an Air Mechanic and did much of his own aircraft maintenance including performance enhancing modifications. His first SE5a, 4853 was somewhat "souped up" however 4891 was the ultimate of his efforts. It was one of the rare airframes with narrow chord elevators, he fitted high compression pistons to the Hispano Suiza 8b powerplant, had a fully optimised bulged cockpit fairing for extreme high altitude work, the improved higher strength landing gear, shortened exhaust pipes to increase engine efficiency, and he fitted the spinner from an LVG he had downed which he claimed gave him an "extra 3 mph". His forte was high altitude interception, an art he perfected in shooting down 40 high altitude two seater Recce aircraft.
One of the few photos I could find of 4891 (some labelled as such were actually his earlier airframe, 4853)

4891 as marked prior to 29 Dec 1917 when 56 Sqn. changed aircraft letter identifiers to numbers, in this case "G" being changed to "6".

....and 4891 as she was marked on 30 January 1918 in her final livery.

That's the intro in all it's glory, now on to the fun part of bringing it all together in a hopefully succesful build. Given the wonderful kit from WNW, all the "bells and whistles" I've gathered up, and the motivation and encouragement provided by a Group Build I am really looking forward to getting at it!
I plan to start with the cockpit components and forward fuselage interior work including a full install of flight control cables and a scratch built instrument panel. The engine won't be getting much attention as I plan to build her "buttoned up". If I can come even close to Lance Kreig's techniques I'll be a very happy modeller indeed! Have to keep reminding myself, "build clean, build clean,.......slow down and build clean!"
Cheers (and more to follow soon)