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Can you, please, give here a link to your 'other' thread? I really want to have a look at it.
Hi Harald,
That would be this one
Can you, please, give here a link to your 'other' thread? I really want to have a look at it.
Looks Like I'll be touching-up that seam Entoni's eagle eye picked out as well- LOL!
Mal, your inventions become more and more amazing- I can't wait to doddle through one of those crazy insignia! BTW, the tiny tail swastikas had me leery- but but came out perfectly, and without a hitch. Cheers, mate!
Hi, Matt! I sand the stuff after it's had a few minutes to dry. Use a fine grit or it will tear right off! I'll have to experiment with a dampened Q-Tip (cotton bud) to find the right thinner- that may be an option. Maybe it's just me, but whenever I try wiping something off a seam there's always too much filler taken away and a "ghost seam" is the result. Your mileage may certainly vary!