A translation of the article on :
http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=75635&start=25From waroff:
http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=75635&start=25"The steering wheel on the right (366), or to the left crank (450/460 ...) simultaneously actuates the shutters and fixed plane.
The small angular sector that you have shown to the right is not the throttle.
it would rather be in the position indicator soffit panel and incidence of fixed plane, it would be right on 366 and left at 450/460, the same side as the control, what).
The drawing shows the layout of Robinson on the left side, as if the coating was removed."
From "C460":
"We see a little better on the printed book on the scan. The rectangular box that surrounded you left behind, you can guess the words "POUR PIQUER" (to go into a dive )arc of circle with an arrow, and "FIX" below, probably the end of "PLAN FIXE". I think it is a control to adjust the fixed plane only, without touching the components. We can not see if there is a crank, flywheel or other.
A little more before it looks that there is a lever that you pressed in red on the other image. As against the circular area that you drew in the shadow does not appear on the photo.
On the other picture from the same book there is something right that actually looks very much like a throttle with its sector. So I wonder what is the left lever, maybe lift control trains."
http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=75635&start=25 From "Waroff":
The small angular sector that you have shown to the right is not the throttle.
it would rather be in the position indicator soffit panel and incidence of fixed plane, it would be right on 366 and left at 450/460, the same side as the control, what).
From "C460" : Very true, also for the C.366 is described in the document below (Aeronautics July 1934):

Thank you C460 and Warrof.