Thanks Oliver,
I have been a tad distracted with my armour build but as that has hit a small impasse, it was time to get back to this build. I wanted to detail the engine a bit more as it is open for the world to see, so using this book to guide me:

I set about adding some of the smaller bits of wiring that are obvious to the naked eye. This is by no means all encompassing but with some lead wire of various diameters, copper wire stripped from an old electrical cord, some swearing, some plastic rod, some BMF self adhesive foil, a lot more swearing and time, I came up with this:

Still to be painted and weathered but a little closer to the photos than before. The steely eyed amongst you will have seen the engine appears out of alignment. It is but the addition of the spinner and its connection point will true it up enough and hopefully hide some errors!!