Arma has gotten the box art thing almost as well as Eduard

A nice variety of options! One will be British in green camouflage for sure, I haven't decided exactly what to do with the other one. Either British in overall blue or maybe an American in grey and white...

Plastic. It's exquisite

Decals, masks and a small fret of PE with mainly seat belts and an ignition harness.

And while I was shopping anyway a small amount of extra goodies jumped into the bag... Arma will release a Wildcat VI later this summer but that version is simply an FM-2 made exclusively for the British market during WWII so the decals can be used for this kit as well! I've been curious for a long time about the AK colours, there was this perfect set for one of the schemes I'll be doing and complemented with a pot of Sea Blue, there should be everything I need. Stay tuned for a report on performance later

So, most important thing finished: blog started! Updates might take a bit of time to start coming since there is holiday- and family stuff to attend to for a few weeks!
