This one has been in my stash for over 20 years, bought from a friend who ran a part-time hobby shop, pushing dangerous stuff like High Planes, Ventura, murky East European smelly resin kits - you get it! I held an unhealthy fascination for these kits for many years and if I had saved the money I spent with him on these kits I could probably have afforded a full-scale, flight-worthy, Spitfire by now. Or at least a Mustang...
The kit itself is from Italian hobby shop/manufacturer Mister Kit, they are still around and their CR 42 kits can still be bought new from their web site. Btw, on the subject of full-scale, flight-worthy, Spitfires, I paid the equivalent of about 30 Euros for mine. 20 years ago. So I can't afford to not build it either

So, preparing for what can very well end up as an epic failure, here we go!

Roberto Valentini box art of one of the BoB Fiats that flew from Belgium. I wouldn't look forward to meeting Mr Spitfire in a bad mood flying this one...

Bits and pieces! Plastic is by MPM and very much a product of its time, the mid 1990s. This means that there will be a bit of cleanup, detail is rather soft and there are NO LOCATION POINTS WHATSOEVER for the forest of struts that make up the main workings of a CR 42... The resin included is top notch, I would have wanted a pair of wheels though, and to round it off there is a small etch fret with mainly interior parts. Finally, I got myself an Eduard set intended for the Italeri kit for good measure!
