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"Show your Teeth!" Campaign... Sign Up NOW!
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 02:31 AM UTC
Ok,,Im all signed up
A search around the model shop today produced a few candidates and my son picked out the Airfix P40.
So a Kittyhawk it is
Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 12:24 PM UTC
Hi Nigel!

To paraphrase Mal "there can't be too many P-40s"! At least for the "Show your Teeth" Campaign! Give a big "smack" to your son for me and thank him for his perfect choice!
By the way, how old is he? Campaigns don't have age limits!

England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 09:26 PM UTC
The P40 is underway and the build is going lot quicker than the Spit.Probably because Im not refering to forums and articles at each stage for basic build information.
My son is 15 and more interested in football and girls than models at the moment although he has expressed an interest.Maybe I will buy him something to build when on his visits to "the old man".
I did like the look of the Revel Mustang with sharksteeth so I may build both if time permits.
When I work I go away for long periods and wont be able to do any modelling.
I saw a Revel kit of an Italian Jet where the whole aircraft was panited like a tiger.That would be a great build for someone interested in jets.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 13, 2006 - 04:11 AM UTC
Jean-Luc I have just entered the Show Your Teeth competition.As you know I am VonCudas son LilAviator and I am building a 1/72scale P40E Aluetian Tiger from Hasegawa for this competition.I am very exited about my first model competition and I am trying my best to get this model to look realistic by picking up tips.Good luck!!!
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 13, 2006 - 04:20 AM UTC
Nice work on your P40 lampie my dad is building the same one.I was wondering on your P40 how do you make tose oil stains on the gas tank.
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, January 13, 2006 - 04:27 AM UTC
Hi Lil'Aviator!
I think you must mean the exhaust stains as I havent put any fuels stains on it,,( cause I dont know how to)
The exhaust/cordite stains I do with a chalk pastel.You can buy these in art shops and they look like a crayon.
I scrape some powder off onto a tissue and then gradually build the stain up with a thin brush.
The larger oil stain on the underneath of my Spitfire was done with a cotton bud (Q Tip in the States?)
Hope this helps :-)
My P40 for the campaign is finished and there are some photos in the campaign thread.
Happy modelling
Washington, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 13, 2006 - 11:26 PM UTC
is it too late to join. this will be my very first campaign here. i would like to enter with the academy p-40b/c. i know inaccurate in shape but it will work for my purposes.

gives me a good reason to build yet another p-40

Gelderland, Netherlands
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Posted: Friday, January 13, 2006 - 11:41 PM UTC
Come aboard Joe,there is enough time .the campaign ends at the end of may ,and there is a lot of people helping out if you run into problems if you do enter don't forget to enlist to the campaign.

greetings jeroen.
Washington, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 13, 2006 - 11:45 PM UTC
thanks so much. i am well on my way. enlisted and ready to roll.

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 01:07 AM UTC
I had planned on not starting anymore models until I had at least finished the 3 I have on going as online builds. However since reviewing the Eduard Bristol F.2B I really want to build that, then there's this campaign, for which I really want to build a P-40 with Skull markings and, because of my love of Spitfires, I could pass up the oppertunity to build a Spitfire MkVIII with a sharks mouth. There is also the "Bombs away" campaign, which gives me a chance to build my B-26, but there are problems with the canopy, so I intended to build a Betty as well. So that's 8 kits with no hope of completing any of the campaigns if I follow this route (there are actually many more but these are the "important" ones. In fact there is another which I have not mentioned, so call it 9, but I can't say what it is) I need a solution. I must get on and finish the online builds and I will be running out of excuses when my new spray booth is up and running. So I have come up with a B-25C/D Mitchell "Dirty Dora" with "Bat outa Hell" markings. It fits nicely into this campaign and will work for the "Bombs Away" campaign as well, assuming I'm allowed to build one model for both campaigns? If all goes well I hope to build a Spitfire MkVIII as well, 'cos really, if I'm doing this campaign I have to attempt a Spitfire with a sharks mouth
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Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 03:04 AM UTC
Mal - that's shocking! :-)

I contemplated building my "Flattops" Hellcat with the famous VF-27 "snarling face"... but I decided I had to enter a fresh kit for each build. And, to make matters worse, on top of my original P-40N Sharkmouth plan, I went further and bought a Roland CII for it's "Whalemouth"! :-)

Crazy!? I know! Will I ever learn? Of course not!

But the AM B-25 does sound SOOOO cool! I've got a couple on the shelf and I'm looking forward to seeing how it builds given the Holdfast touch.

All the best

England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 03:07 AM UTC

Out of interest Rowan,,just how big is this famous stash of yours?
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Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 03:20 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Out of interest Rowan,,just how big is this famous stash of yours?

Eeek! I hardly dare say! In a small flat, space is becoming an issue... I could stock a shop if I hadn't opened all the kits and test-fitted everything! - Bad move that, really...

But this year I fully intend to make a few dents in the pile! - Well I have to make room for new stuff somehow...

Seriously - Remind me of this post if I haven't submitted a finished build come this time next year (for one thing, I'll have blown the chance for us all to see Mal eat his shorts!).

All the best

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 03:30 AM UTC

Quoted Text

But the AM B-25 does sound SOOOO cool! I've got a couple on the shelf and I'm looking forward to seeing how it builds given the Holdfast touch.

All the best


Aw come on guys, will you stop mentioning AM B-25's, I've just noticed my other B-25 has got shark teeth, now I'm probaly going to change my mind on this build too, aswell as the Gary Beebe's Flattops Campaign. Oh what to do .
Andy (++)
P.S I wonder if we can set up a live video link for when Mal eats his shorts :-) :-)
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Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 03:39 AM UTC

Quoted Text

P.S I wonder if we can set up a live video link for when Mal eats his shorts

Hi Andy

Well, I am a video editor... so that could be arranged... :-) :-) :-)

What do we fancy? - chips or beans to accompany the shorts? Maybe a nice glass of claret to wash them down though...

B*gger - there's a lot riding on my damned Halifax!

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 04:59 AM UTC

Quoted Text

"I had planned on not starting anymore models until I had at least finished the 3 I have on going ... However since reviewing the Eduard Bristol F.2B I really want to build that...Mal "

Man are you gonna be ticked off at me. What was it that Capt. Hook used to fear? tick tick tick. Can anyone guess? Hint; it won't be a P40.
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 05:21 AM UTC
Hi Stephen

I've ordered the new Roland C.II re-box from Eduard. I've often seen pics of the Walfisch, with a "whale mouth", but this one also has a chequer-board finish. It looks great - but do you have any info on how accurate the scheme is?

All the best

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 10:06 AM UTC
If you mean the one with the chequers on the wings it is very accurate. See; Datafile 49 Windsock Publications Mr. Ray Rimell It is the subject of the front cover art with some fine images in the text. If you mean the fish scaled fuselage it is there as well. Also in the Profile #163.
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 12:49 PM UTC
My shorts are safe

I forgot to mention that I am also building an AM Avenger for the Flat tops campaign.

Seriously, am I wrong to build one aircraft for both campaigns?

Rowan, do you have instrument decals in your AM B-25 kits, mine seem to be missing?

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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 01:07 PM UTC
Thanks Stephen

I couldn't tell from Eduard's website whether the chequers and scales were for separate schemes. That's great - I was worried they might be a bit of artistic licence on the designer's part. That's going to be really spectacular!

Quoted Text

Rowan, do you have instrument decals in your AM B-25 kits, mine seem to be missing?

Hi Mal

I've just checked the B-25C "Air Apache" version and the decals are there - top left of the sheet - items B and C.

All the best

Moselle, France
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 01:44 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Seriously, am I wrong to build one aircraft for both campaigns?

Hi Mal!

I scanned in the Campaigns guidlines for an answer to your question but found nothing. My opinion is that a model can be entered for only one campaign. I also considered building the B-25 for both Campaigns but gave up the idea. I just thought it would not have been "in the spirit" of Campaigns... but maybe I'm wrong. If we have a consensus on that matter maybe this could be allowed. You should ask Gunnie about that.

Quoted Text

Rowan, do you have instrument decals in your AM B-25 kits, mine seem to be missing?

Ok I'm not Rowan (Doh! I would like to have his stash) but in my kit (#3431) there are no instrument panels decals neither. The kit must have been produced in several batches...

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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 03:33 PM UTC

Quoted Text

in my kit (#3431) there are no instrument panels decals neither. The kit must have been produced in several batches...

Hi Jean-Luc

That's weird! The answer must lie in the reason you suggest. I'll do a hi-res scan for you and Mal so you can try printing your own replacements.

All the best

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 12:20 AM UTC

Quoted Text

in my kit (#3431) there are no instrument panels decals neither. The kit must have been produced in several batches...

That is strange as my kit also has the decals for the instrument panel on both sheets ????
Andy (++)
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Posted: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 12:38 AM UTC

Quoted Text

I've just checked the B-25C "Air Apache" version and the decals are there - top left of the sheet - items B and C.

That's exactly where I would have expected to find them, there is a space on my sheet. There aren't any letters to indicate them either, but they are mentioned in the instructions? A scan would be good, thanks. My kit is 3431, it would be interesting to know if your kits have a different number.


Quoted Text

I scanned in the Campaigns guidlines for an answer to your question but found nothing. My opinion is that a model can be entered for only one campaign. I also considered building the B-25 for both Campaigns but gave up the idea. I just thought it would not have been "in the spirit" of Campaigns... but maybe I'm wrong. If we have a consensus on that matter maybe this could be allowed. You should ask Gunnie about that.

After arriving at this great plan, to build one aircraft for 2 campiagns, I too had second thoughts. Trouble is I started mine before I thought I agree that it's not in the spirit of the campaigns and will build the B-25 for the "Show us your Teeth" campaign and possibly the Betty for the "Bombs Away". I will endevour to finish both.

I still think my short sare safe, there is no way in this world Rowan will finish that FM Halifax :-)

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 03:54 AM UTC

Quoted Text

My kit is 3431, it would be interesting to know if your kits have a different number.

Same number 3431

Quoted Text

I still think my short sare safe, there is no way in this world Rowan will finish that FM Halifax :-)


I am still confident in Rowans ability to finish this kit .
Andy (++)