Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather
Jenny a great old girl


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Posted: Saturday, October 13, 2007 - 01:43 PM UTC


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Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2007 - 12:48 AM UTC
Movin along!
Today was a major milestone in the evolution of this diorama.All the hangar walls are finished and everything is glued down to the hangar floor except for some minor work on the Jenny tie downs and the fighter pilot group.
I think that I will put on the rafters and hook up the lighting and then work on finishing the modules exteriors where necessary.
All the exterior landscaping panels top screws will have to be removed and re-screwed from the bottom and the landscaping can then be finished.The one panel that will serve as the base for the Camel/Ford truck will be finished as a unit and will be installed last.Anyway that is the plan for now.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Today was a major milestone in the evolution of this diorama.All the hangar walls are finished and everything is glued down to the hangar floor except for some minor work on the Jenny tie downs and the fighter pilot group.
I think that I will put on the rafters and hook up the lighting and then work on finishing the modules exteriors where necessary.
All the exterior landscaping panels top screws will have to be removed and re-screwed from the bottom and the landscaping can then be finished.The one panel that will serve as the base for the Camel/Ford truck will be finished as a unit and will be installed last.Anyway that is the plan for now.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)


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Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2007 - 10:50 AM UTC
Anybody have the 1/16th Camel ?
Anyone interested in building it ? I would love to have some company building this airplane over the winter. Mine is ultimately destined for the diorama but I would be willing to build the whole thing if it would be of help to others,as I can always break it down again to be put on the the Camel /Ford truck transporter.
Cheers! John.
Anyone interested in building it ? I would love to have some company building this airplane over the winter. Mine is ultimately destined for the diorama but I would be willing to build the whole thing if it would be of help to others,as I can always break it down again to be put on the the Camel /Ford truck transporter.
Cheers! John.


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Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2007 - 11:26 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, October 15, 2007 - 06:22 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, October 15, 2007 - 06:33 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, October 15, 2007 - 07:09 AM UTC
Ken,Jim and I all started building large scale kits around the same time.I started with the Albatros and Ken and Jim with the Nieuport.Ken went on to build the most magnificent scratchbuilt aircraft that I have ever seen . Jim did a super job of modifying this kit but he is also a great scratchbuilder as well.
If you would like to see more of their work go to:
http://www.wwi-models.org then "Galleries"
Cheers! John.
If you would like to see more of their work go to:
http://www.wwi-models.org then "Galleries"
Cheers! John.


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Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 12:08 AM UTC


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Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 12:35 AM UTC
Here is a prime example of looking at something so long that you fail to really see it anymore.
I was thinking of permanently fastening the Jenny down to the floor when I thought that I had better check her over one last time.Well look what I found! I had also forgotten the kingpost wiring and the drag wires not to mention the braces under the tail.Needless to say Jenny is now sitting back on the workbench!
I was thinking of permanently fastening the Jenny down to the floor when I thought that I had better check her over one last time.Well look what I found! I had also forgotten the kingpost wiring and the drag wires not to mention the braces under the tail.Needless to say Jenny is now sitting back on the workbench!


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Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 12:07 PM UTC
Now I remember why I didn't add the drag wires,it was because they would interfere with the pilot group of figures and besides they would probably be one of the last things to be rigged.Same thing with the kingposts,only after the covering.I trimmed and tightened all the wires and made up the wooden tail braces that connect the tailpost to the horiz. stab.Looks like I will have her back in the hangar tomorrow.


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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 03:39 AM UTC
I can see that my idea of group build of the 1/16th Camel went over like a lead balloon. What I would like to know is ,who is Model airways selling these models to?I seldom see one finished,I guess most of them never get built or are started and never finished.Too bad,I would love to have some company on this thread or contribute to someone else's.(maybe I just have too much time on my hands) or maybe they are all waiting to retire like me!
Just as well though .After downloading all of Ken's construction pictures and comparing them to my kits version of the Camel ,I will have a lot of scratchbuilding and modifing to do.When I built the Nieuport which is of about the same quality ,I used it in the diorama of course and simply left a lot of the parts I didnt like off altogether.This one however will be a stand alone model right up next to the glass case which will invite some close up inspection.The airplane will be in pieces,wings and control surfaces off and tied to the fuselage for transport.This will no doubt make the task of rigging a little easier but still it will require a lot of work, to do what I consider an acceptable job..As I suspected from the beginning ,it will only be a nice place to start.Should be fun!
Just as well though .After downloading all of Ken's construction pictures and comparing them to my kits version of the Camel ,I will have a lot of scratchbuilding and modifing to do.When I built the Nieuport which is of about the same quality ,I used it in the diorama of course and simply left a lot of the parts I didnt like off altogether.This one however will be a stand alone model right up next to the glass case which will invite some close up inspection.The airplane will be in pieces,wings and control surfaces off and tied to the fuselage for transport.This will no doubt make the task of rigging a little easier but still it will require a lot of work, to do what I consider an acceptable job..As I suspected from the beginning ,it will only be a nice place to start.Should be fun!


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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 10:21 AM UTC


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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 11:25 AM UTC
She is finally back in the hangar!I put the rafters on but have yet to hook up the lighting.The fighter pilot group will be next to go in permanently and then I can concentrate on the outside.
The Camel research is still an ongoing process .Ken's pics are a great visual help
when coming up with a list of modifications to be made.
The Camel research is still an ongoing process .Ken's pics are a great visual help
when coming up with a list of modifications to be made.


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Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 12:46 AM UTC


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Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 03:28 AM UTC
After looking carefully at the last two pics I think that I will probably make a major change in this diorama.The Jenny looks so nice taking center stage that I think that I will place the fighter pilot group aft of the wing near the motorcycle.This will help to downplay the "Memories of Flying School "idea and give all the figures a more even level of importance as,"Keepers of the Flame" 1918-1927.After all Jenny's participation in the war effort was just a part of her history here in Canada.It will require taking things apart again but what the hell I am used to that by now.Nothing is written in stone anyway until it is finally finished and that is the way I like it, as that way it keeps the whole thing interesting for me too.Imagine if I had an idea six years ago and felt compelled to see it through unchanged until the end.( boooring)
Especially in the finishing stages, I find that taking lots of pics really helps you to focus on one area that may need changes or additions or in some cases complete removal.
Little things ,like extending the rusty water spot on the rag where the rad is ,onto the hangar floor itself. (yet to be done) Or big things like moving a major figure group.Also the parts on the floor which I thought needed removal as being just too much, can now hardly be seen with the roof on.
The camera also really helps to find little things that need attention, like the inside of the light electrical boxes in the rafters that require painting black.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Especially in the finishing stages, I find that taking lots of pics really helps you to focus on one area that may need changes or additions or in some cases complete removal.
Little things ,like extending the rusty water spot on the rag where the rad is ,onto the hangar floor itself. (yet to be done) Or big things like moving a major figure group.Also the parts on the floor which I thought needed removal as being just too much, can now hardly be seen with the roof on.
The camera also really helps to find little things that need attention, like the inside of the light electrical boxes in the rafters that require painting black.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)


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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2007 - 12:56 AM UTC


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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2007 - 02:06 AM UTC
I think that I will go with the idea of Billy Bishop greeting his American fighter pilot friends at the door of the office.
Now that I have changed and expanded the idea for the diorama,I feel that this is a better idea.The veteran connection is still there with the sign inside the hangar ,which justifies the pilot group being dressed in uniform for the occasion of Remembrance Day.There is still one RAF fighter pilot type in the hangar talking with the Al Capone group.He probably arrived earlier!
For those who have only recently joined this thread Al Capone is the big guy with the fedora hat.
I find that even the other idea of putting the pilot group directly behind the L/H wing of Jenny, still draws too much attention away from the airplane.
While the story now is centered around the people of the era ,the airplane still ties it all together.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Now that I have changed and expanded the idea for the diorama,I feel that this is a better idea.The veteran connection is still there with the sign inside the hangar ,which justifies the pilot group being dressed in uniform for the occasion of Remembrance Day.There is still one RAF fighter pilot type in the hangar talking with the Al Capone group.He probably arrived earlier!
For those who have only recently joined this thread Al Capone is the big guy with the fedora hat.
I find that even the other idea of putting the pilot group directly behind the L/H wing of Jenny, still draws too much attention away from the airplane.
While the story now is centered around the people of the era ,the airplane still ties it all together.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)


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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2007 - 09:02 AM UTC


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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2007 - 11:11 AM UTC
Another pic


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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2007 - 11:50 AM UTC
Never know what to expect do you?
Well,this little arrangement should keep me busy for the winter!The horse,old tub and water well and pump should make a nice grouping.Then of course the Camel being towed by the Ford truck(#90) and finally an old airshow jalopy(#93) parked near the engine shop.#90and 93 are diecasts of approximately the same size as the plastic kit models that I have yet to build.
Well,this little arrangement should keep me busy for the winter!The horse,old tub and water well and pump should make a nice grouping.Then of course the Camel being towed by the Ford truck(#90) and finally an old airshow jalopy(#93) parked near the engine shop.#90and 93 are diecasts of approximately the same size as the plastic kit models that I have yet to build.


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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2007 - 01:18 PM UTC
Dolly I had a 5 litre bucket filled with drool when I finally saw the end of your project


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Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 06:16 AM UTC


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Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 06:18 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Dolly I had a 5 litre bucket filled with drool when I finally saw the end of your project
Matt ,Dolly is my dog and she drools too!


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Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 06:47 AM UTC
Can't forget the racers!
The story of the era would not be complete without some reference to the Air Racers.I chose to downplay this aspect a little by placing the posters under the lean to,next to the show car, on the side of the hangar ,as I don't want things to get too confusing.It also will serve as another item for the kids to find when playing the game of search the diorama for..........that I will suggest to the museum to make it a little more inter-active.I will also have four animals out and about for them to find.Kids seem to love to play these games!
The story of the era would not be complete without some reference to the Air Racers.I chose to downplay this aspect a little by placing the posters under the lean to,next to the show car, on the side of the hangar ,as I don't want things to get too confusing.It also will serve as another item for the kids to find when playing the game of search the diorama for..........that I will suggest to the museum to make it a little more inter-active.I will also have four animals out and about for them to find.Kids seem to love to play these games!


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Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 09:56 PM UTC

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